General whats his name, winters? Winters, is there a way you can like, serve as a ref or something n just king us? There's got to be a finality to a game when the whole damn thing is clearly run by one outfit. King us n call us the victors so we can all move on with our lives =). MoR won plain and simple n the server lost.
Either come up with an endgame where 1 clan can kill Morgana off for good, or king us n declare us the victors by default as the endgame.
MoR will never lose an emitter cuz this servers too scared to even try... MoR will never drop in rank cause this servers too paralyzed to get its **** together for even the tiniest of specs of time.
MoR is the scar that will not change, fade away, or get better over time. We are etched as number one here and it will forever be so.