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Oct 15, 2019, 07:2710/15/19


General whats his name, winters? Winters, is there a way you can like, serve as a ref or something n just king us? There's got to be a finality to a game when the whole damn thing is clearly run by one outfit. King us n call us the victors so we can all move on with our lives =). MoR won plain and simple n the server lost.

Either come up with an endgame where 1 clan can kill Morgana off for good, or king us n declare us the victors by default as the endgame.

MoR will never lose an emitter cuz this servers too scared to even try... MoR will never drop in rank cause this servers too paralyzed to get its **** together for even the tiniest of specs of time.

MoR is the scar that will not change, fade away, or get better over time. We are etched as number one here and it will forever be so.

Oct 18, 2019, 05:3410/18/19


MoR WAS Morgana all along


Jun 25, 2020, 03:1506/25/20

That's what should happen, from year to year the developers give a clan as a winner or create a worldwide event for everyone to participate and restart everything.

But I believe that this will not happen, since the game is abandoned. The only things that are really implemented are the promotions to buy diamonds. News, events that have to do with the lore of the game or something that makes players raise the will to play again, none of this occurs.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I ended up in quarantine, since the college is closed and the place where I worked closed indefinitely, I decided to play this game again, as I stopped early at level 30. But I was surprised with what I saw, since besides everything is exactly the same time when I played (I played the game shortly after it was released), little or almost nothing had been implemented again.

The developers push everything with their bellies and if Total Domination's profits decrease, the game is over, as it is unlikely that the developers will come back to fix things. They prefer to keep launching new games that are CTRL + C CTRL + V, instead of tidying up the ones that they have.

Honestly, when the quarantine is over, I will probably quit this game the next day, as there is no motivation to continue. As you said yourself, the same clan has dominated everything from the start, the rest of the existing ones are too cowardly to take action and the developers do nothing to resolve the stagnant situation that the game has formed in itself.

Jun 26, 2020, 22:4006/26/20
Captain_Falcon said:

That's what should happen, from year to year the developers give a clan as a winner or create a worldwide event for everyone to participate and restart everything.

But I believe that this will not happen, since the game is abandoned. The only things that are really implemented are the promotions to buy diamonds. News, events that have to do with the lore of the game or something that makes players raise the will to play again, none of this occurs.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I ended up in quarantine, since the college is closed and the place where I worked closed indefinitely, I decided to play this game again, as I stopped early at level 30. But I was surprised with what I saw, since besides everything is exactly the same time when I played (I played the game shortly after it was released), little or almost nothing had been implemented again.

The developers push everything with their bellies and if Total Domination's profits decrease, the game is over, as it is unlikely that the developers will come back to fix things. They prefer to keep launching new games that are CTRL + C CTRL + V, instead of tidying up the ones that they have.

Honestly, when the quarantine is over, I will probably quit this game the next day, as there is no motivation to continue. As you said yourself, the same clan has dominated everything from the start, the rest of the existing ones are too cowardly to take action and the developers do nothing to resolve the stagnant situation that the game has formed in itself.

Hey if you can convince the other clans to all hit MOR we'd love some action:)
Sep 20, 2020, 22:1409/20/20

Does anyone actually play regularly? I sure have not.

And yet, I still place in event ranks??!?! I would assume, maintenance and server issues would wipe reward after a time,,, maybe not??

Sep 21, 2020, 15:1009/21/20
roadstar Pitbull said:

Does anyone actually play regularly? I sure have not.

And yet, I still place in event ranks??!?! I would assume, maintenance and server issues would wipe reward after a time,,, maybe not??

Maybe somebody hit your sector and lost some troops.  That could get you pvp points without you even having to log on.  
Sep 21, 2020, 19:5009/21/20

BiohazarD said:

Maybe somebody hit your sector and lost some troops.  That could get you pvp points without you even having to log on.  

Even so, this does not say much for server activity, atleast pvp wise.

From reports, maybe from a reinforced location,nothing at home. But for a 'dead' account to rank so high in ranks, not much interaction left on the server. Perhaps top 300 - 500, certainly not a top 20 in  one event, maybe the server has gone more pve.
Sep 27, 2020, 18:5709/27/20
roadstar Pitbull said:

BiohazarD said:

Maybe somebody hit your sector and lost some troops.  That could get you pvp points without you even having to log on.  

Even so, this does not say much for server activity, atleast pvp wise.

From reports, maybe from a reinforced location,nothing at home. But for a 'dead' account to rank so high in ranks, not much interaction left on the server. Perhaps top 300 - 500, certainly not a top 20 in  one event, maybe the server has gone more pve.
The pvp tournaments are divided into ratings based on player activity and score in previous tournaments.  You were in the top 20 on your rating, not the entire server.  
Sep 28, 2020, 15:3609/28/20

But that top 20 does not mention the rating. Some had a "legendary" comment, so those I could see as a grouping.

Perhaps it is a visual that would have more detail when opened, which I would not pay any attention  to.