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quartiers update ???quartiers update ???

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quartiers update ???

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Feb 13, 2024, 11:5302/13/24

quartiers update ???

The resources that you get from the quarters are no longer related to the troops. You can bring the quarters up to lvl 30, but the troops still remain red. why do you get no update the production of c?

Feb 15, 2024, 07:1102/15/24

Commander Credits can be negative but you will not lose units. When your army grows it will result in negative credits thats part of the game.

Feb 16, 2024, 08:4802/16/24

Yep, I just got used to having negative credit production lol.  

Feb 16, 2024, 18:4702/16/24
Feb 16, 2024, 18:48(edited)

and when how to build troops then ? when the credits are going fast empty?

Feb 21, 2024, 11:2802/21/24
Lincoln LOUD

and when how to build troops then ? when the credits are going fast empty?

just keep raiding and after raid has been successful start building Commander

Feb 22, 2024, 18:3102/22/24

im not a strong commander. you just say raiding when i have only 10 or 40 raids. to find some sectors which is all in is hard to find. its all gone for the ones who have build ther banks and warehouses on lvl 27

Feb 26, 2024, 22:1802/26/24

You can also buy the 100k credit packs with crystals in the black market, if you're in a decent clan you'll usually get enough crystals from clan tournaments to keep your queues going.  

Feb 29, 2024, 14:5302/29/24

lol thanks biohazzard on a decend clan ok . At least I play without bot sectors in my clan, do you still play without them? when all bots occupied the kristal tapsides 

Mar 8, 2024, 16:5603/08/24
Lincoln LOUD

lol thanks biohazzard on a decend clan ok . At least I play without bot sectors in my clan, do you still play without them? when all bots occupied the kristal tapsides 

Of course, we don't allow bots into MOR (at least not that I know of).  As for crystal taps, I don't really play them anymore.  It seems like too much work for the amount of crystals you get to me.  If the bots are new accounts they probably don't have that many troops, so you could kill them off the taps if you want and get pvp points for it.  

Mar 8, 2024, 20:3003/08/24

are you sure ? i mean that they can buy troops and ressources en mass. thats why they buy fot it. and you can buy a sector with all these things reserarch complete and so many other things . only the price to pay i gues .

Mar 14, 2024, 19:2203/14/24
Lincoln LOUD

are you sure ? i mean that they can buy troops and ressources en mass. thats why they buy fot it. and you can buy a sector with all these things reserarch complete and so many other things . only the price to pay i gues .

Yeah it's much more efficient to just collect event rewards on a bunch of accounts than trying to build up one.  You get 3k crystals from a tapsite, and collecting it requires you to be online at a specific time every day which is a pain.  Just look at the crystal value of troops you get from the clan tournaments that require minimal effort from each account.  

Mar 27, 2024, 18:0003/27/24

and how to get that i cant infest 5 mio par exemple?

or troopstakedown for much more?

to come in a ranking wich has 3 k or more crystals.

Apr 6, 2024, 04:1204/06/24
Lincoln LOUD

and how to get that i cant infest 5 mio par exemple?

or troopstakedown for much more?

to come in a ranking wich has 3 k or more crystals.

Sorry what are you asking?  I can't understand this...

Apr 8, 2024, 13:3004/08/24
Apr 8, 2024, 21:45(edited)

you must have more than 300 mio to hold a tapside thats what i mean. thats with the how to get the troops in infests? my pay are only 10k or 21 k and not every day or every week. how can i get more than that? sorry for my understanding im thinking bilingual ;-)

Apr 10, 2024, 21:5104/10/24
Lincoln LOUD

you must have more than 300 mio to hold a tapside thats what i mean. thats with the how to get the troops in infests? my pay are only 10k or 21 k and not every day or every week. how can i get more than that? sorry for my understanding im thinking bilingual ;-)

Ah ok, yeah you generally need over 300 million defense to hold tapsites safely in the level 100+ tier.  Some people spend money on troops, others just collect event rewards and swap them for defense in infests, although this will take some time to build up enough.  

Apr 10, 2024, 22:3304/10/24

infest are another point. how to play infests? i took them but no pays in a week maybe one  in two weeks or more with the 10k inc or 21 k inc (in good times) and 5k bcs thats what i got . but thats not in every infests that i make. must i make more to bekome more? ill be glad when i become that in a two weeks tonus but that funktions not.but ive heard that some are claim 45k inc and more how to get these? ist a lot of time to build so a good working army.  ive had brought more than 2 years to build and infests a army at 230 mio inc. i would be glad when someone explain me how to infests that it goes a little bit quicklier.

Apr 16, 2024, 21:3504/16/24
Lincoln LOUD

infest are another point. how to play infests? i took them but no pays in a week maybe one  in two weeks or more with the 10k inc or 21 k inc (in good times) and 5k bcs thats what i got . but thats not in every infests that i make. must i make more to bekome more? ill be glad when i become that in a two weeks tonus but that funktions not.but ive heard that some are claim 45k inc and more how to get these? ist a lot of time to build so a good working army.  ive had brought more than 2 years to build and infests a army at 230 mio inc. i would be glad when someone explain me how to infests that it goes a little bit quicklier.

Infests give you troops based on the resource value of the troops you lost fighting them minus a small tax (around 3%).  So if you lost 10,000 bcs fighting them (worth 242770000 res) you'd get about 235 mil res worth of troops back, it could be 9,700 bcs or 31,400 interceptors or some other combination of units, although you might not get it all in one payout.  When you increase your top level infest you get a bit of extra res value back, but other than that infests are never profitable in the long run.  So they're mostly just useful for converting between troop types or scoring points for events.   (if there was a way to hit infests profitably you could generate essentially unlimited troops by just hitting them every day, so anyone who says they are but doesn't have a ridiculously large army is lying/confused)

Apr 19, 2024, 00:0304/19/24

ok but i make only the lvl 100 until ive had more troops then i make more. ive lost more than that but i bekome only a couple of troops back i gues i make something false.

Apr 22, 2024, 09:4204/22/24
Lincoln LOUD

ok but i make only the lvl 100 until ive had more troops then i make more. ive lost more than that but i bekome only a couple of troops back i gues i make something false.

Remember the infest payouts are based on resource value of the troops, not offense/defense power.  So if you're sending infantry/armor units you'll get back about the same res value of higher level units but it will be a much smaller number and less power since those units are more expensive.