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todays update april 11  23todays update april 11  23

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todays update april 11 23

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Apr 11, 2023, 06:0304/11/23

todays update april 11 23

so the update today just erased the login

very simple easy way to get many more to just give up the game huh.

did you not test this before implimation .

this happend last update and we lost hundreds of players .

oh well it don't matta this game is boring anyway to most 

its a game you can't win but with money or creative out side the box you know what think'n.

don't mind me i'm jus a busy body being nosey about why this went the way its gone.

Apr 11, 2023, 15:0804/11/23

Can you be more specific as their was no update today Commander. 

Erased login?

Apr 12, 2023, 05:5904/12/23

oh ya on mine it  said install update . 

so i did install and then it erased the login after and even sent me a notice and an email  that an unknown login was detected  after i logged in. there was no way to reset on that login page either .but i did remember it . but many wont and will just quit. as before .

i have deleted over 150 high level friends that just quit many i talked to on phone and they had some good reasons that i can see. ...another topic .

the update is in the top of launcher its not like the previous that makes you install or not be able to play.

it comes up with login blank.  oh well nothing you can do but it should be considered by the programers. 

Apr 14, 2023, 08:1104/14/23

It sounds like something may have gone wrong with your update, I'd recommend you try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.  If that doesn't work please submit a ticket to support.  

Jul 1, 2023, 15:1607/01/23
Jul 7, 2023, 11:51(edited)

Some of the new updates do remove your login and saved passwords. Luckily I have more than one computer I use and had auto updates turned off so not all was lost.  The latest update changed to some icon style so games using the same icon is harder to locate the player you need for that game. Please roll back to the old style we are use to. Not everyone likes new updates that make no since or the game better.

Erasing player's personal info and passwords is bad and against the rules.

Jul 2, 2023, 02:4607/02/23
Hand of DooM

Some of the new updates do remove your login and saved passwords. Luckily I have more than one computer I use and had auto updates turned off so not all was lost.  The latest update changed to some icon style so games using the same icon is harder to locate the player you need for that game. Please roll back to the old style we are use to. Not everyone likes new updates that make no since or the game better.

Erasing player's personal info and passwords is bad and against the rules.

Pointing the mouse on the icon displays the accountname

Jul 2, 2023, 04:1307/02/23

Pointing the mouse on the icon displays the accountname

Duh, I know this, but it is a useless thing when before you could see without having to do that waste of an upgrade that is worthless.

Jul 3, 2023, 07:1807/03/23

You are invited to contact Plarium Support and "advice" them. 

Use this link: Plarium Support Center  

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