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more emitter for plarium

more emitter for plarium

How to join our moderation team?
Jul 3, 2023, 18:0707/03/23

I read over most of it and that is completely different from when I joined in 2012/2013 or earlier it's been a while. My memory isn't all that good of the actual date of my starting play. I'm sure the game was in beta is all. ;)

Jul 4, 2023, 02:1707/04/23

You are welcome. I am sure your question about having multiple accounts is answered.

Case closed :)

The actual question was about emitters but somehow got sidetracked to multi accounts and I was correct about that It was the Account Policy and not irrelevant then or should be now. But it was too much for Prarium then and would be too much work now for them Today. After all this game is not for the people but for profit. Can't make a profit using workers to clean up multi accounts. Just make more profit by letting people make them and spend money on those. Sorry for the thread jacking.

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