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invaded sector's troops can return to their sector without fighting the enemy forces occupying it.invaded sector's troops can return to their sector without fighting the enemy forces occupying it.

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invaded sector's troops can return to their sector without fighting the enemy forces occupying it.

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Apr 30, 2018, 12:3904/30/18

invaded sector's troops can return to their sector without fighting the enemy forces occupying it.

The sector i have invaded, is raiding my allies, invading my farms, and liberating their allies. when their units return to their sector they are unharmed by my forces stationed there.

therefore eliminating the purpose of invading anyone. 

personally, sounds like a game breaking bug which makes the bunker obsolete.

DeletedTechnical Support
May 1, 2018, 10:0905/01/18

Hello, Commander!

If your Sector is invaded and your troops return to the Sector, they won't be fighting with the invader's troops. 

The reported case cannot be classified as a bug since this is a part of the regular gameplay. I have moved your topic to Game Discussion thread.

May 5, 2018, 15:0705/05/18
daemonumcamo said:

The sector i have invaded, is raiding my allies, invading my farms, and liberating their allies. when their units return to their sector they are unharmed by my forces stationed there.

therefore eliminating the purpose of invading anyone. 

personally, sounds like a game breaking bug which makes the bunker obsolete.

That's how it's currently meant to work.  You could make a suggestion that they change it if you want, but it's not a bug.