@Kerim256 (21 April, 2018, 1:03 AM UTC):
Here's a breakdown of how serum bonuses are displayed:
https://prnt.sc/j87vay Name and level of serum
https://prnt.sc/j87vex Type of unit it's for (Its bonuses apply to defensive armoured vehicles; Mongoose ASV, Viper APC, "Ageis" BMD-1, and their elite variants)
https://prnt.sc/j87vtr Defensive statistic on its affected units that it boosts (See https://prnt.sc/j87wbx ; They match up. So with a base of 150 defence for each type of unit, the "Aegis" BMD-1 would have 160.5 Infantry, Armoured Corps, and Artillery Defence, and 166.8 Air Defence - If there are other boosts, I believe it is additive, rather than multiplicative.)
For offence, it's easy (Boost on 1 value), but for defence it's a bit more complicated (https://wiki.plarium.com/index.php?title=Combat_Break_Down can be a bit confusing, but it's pretty thorough)/
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