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Unit Power Point Values

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Apr 16, 2018, 02:3804/16/18

Unit Power Point Values

Hey is there anyway to find out what each units power point values are?
Apr 16, 2018, 11:0204/16/18
Apr 16, 2018, 11:04(edited)

@DemonWhiteFang (16 April, 2018, 2:38 AM UTC):
It depends what type you mean.

If you mean power points for troop building tournaments/clan events, then I believe it's a combination of time it takes and unit cost (The defaults. Modifying the process to take more resources or more time should not change its value). Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has the exact values for any units, but you should be able to discover them by watching your units build, and how many points you get.

If you power points for Emitter attacks, then it's based on credit consumption (Again, the defaults). You can click on the pictures of the units to discover their current credit consumption, then unapply any credit cost reductions you have (Mouse over the credits section near the top left).

Additionally, moved to the appropriate thread.

Apr 17, 2018, 01:0204/17/18
Apr 17, 2018, 01:04(edited)

InsertUnoriginalNameHere said:

@DemonWhiteFang (16 April, 2018, 2:38 AM UTC):
It depends what type you mean.

If you mean power points for troop building tournaments/clan events, then I believe it's a combination of time it takes and unit cost (The defaults. Modifying the process to take more resources or more time should not change its value). Unfortunately, I don't think anyone has the exact values for any units, but you should be able to discover them by watching your units build, and how many points you get.

If you power points for Emitter attacks, then it's based on credit consumption (Again, the defaults). You can click on the pictures of the units to discover their current credit consumption, then unapply any credit cost reductions you have (Mouse over the credits section near the top left).

Additionally, moved to the appropriate thread.

Plarium said at one point that the units value for tournaments was based on their power, I'm not sure where that thread is buried though or what the exact equation was. 

Here's some information: 

100 tbolts are worth 1352 points(540k res, 289k seconds to build)

100 excals are worth 2288 points (1855k res, 695k seconds to build)

100 bcs are worth 4200 points (2428k res, 1350k seconds to build)

100 phantom recon units are worth 100 points  (375k res, 198k seconds to build)

This data seems to support that the points are based on unit strength and not resource cost or build time.  So if you just want to score lots of points for the tournament, the best way to do it is probably to queue up a ton of troopers then boost them using time boosts (not the 150 crystals per stack boost).