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Important notice on your game ideas

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Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 13, 2016, 13:4805/13/16

Important notice on your game ideas

Dear Commanders,

Thank you for all the suggestions which you’ve left. We have a long list of them that was passed to the dev team. Our game designers will need some time to consider all your ideas. That’s why we cannot accept any new suggestions for now.

Once again, we are very grateful for your input; it’s much appreciated.

Thank you all for your understanding and enjoy the game!

Jun 7, 2016, 14:3106/07/16
Jun 8, 2016, 14:09(edited)

Make the "100k" raid a real part of the game instead of allowing some players to take advantage of a timing issue in the game. In place of this you could either up the potential take from a raid to 100k (without the cheat) or you can make it a true percentage of what is in the sector.

another raid option would be to allow the raider the option of what he wins. Example ( 60% U, 30%T, 10%C) or( 100% T)

Finally How about a raid multiplier, it does not penalize the raided sector as the raider pays for this option with crystals or wins them in challenges and you use them before you raid say 2X, 5X, 10X any amount is posssible

1) Declined. We have set a limit of 50k Resource transfer between two Sectors per week. 100k raids are just a smart use of this limit.

2) Declined. The amount of Resources you get are determined by a game. One could easily abuse this feature by raiding T only, etc.

3) Declined. This feature could be abused by alts.
Jun 7, 2016, 21:3406/07/16

@MasterBlaster (7 June, 2016, 2:31 PM UTC):
Your raid multiplier suggestion would greatly increase the use of alternate accounts.

Cheaters could ensure that their 'target accounts' have enough resources for a full raid, then activate such item on their main account and receive gains from non-existent items.

Jun 13, 2016, 03:2706/13/16
Jun 13, 2016, 10:16(edited)

Is there a good way to spot players using alts?

You can report them top our Support Team for the investigation. 
Jun 13, 2016, 20:0106/13/16

@Rooferron1 (13 June, 2016, 3:27 AM UTC):
Usually only by the way they act (Similar speech patterns, identical spelling methods, attacks following one another, etc.), but even then this isn't a guaranteed method.

If you want to report a multiaccounter, submit a ticket to the Help and Support Desk with information including (But not limited to) your coordinates, the coordinates of the other accounts, private messages, battle reports, clans, and screenshots of such.

Jun 16, 2016, 02:0706/16/16
thanks, i will check it out
Jun 27, 2016, 07:0906/27/16
Aug 3, 2019, 12:07(edited)

Make bioplasma conversion amounts bigger.  You could put for exp. 50 k both to conversion and it would take 1 day. Annoying this current way

Declined. Convert smaller amounts to get more profit.
Jul 2, 2016, 12:1707/02/16
Jul 27, 2016, 13:18(edited)

Because of recent experience. I suggest that the describe the problem box for support tickets be enlarged significantly. It would save everyone a lot of back and forth if the problem can be described all in one place, and from the beginning. Also an alternate email address should be allowed because sometimes people make a mistake and don't know to create a back up to one and lose it. Third and last thing. The help desk people should speak the same language as their 1st language for those customers that they are helping. I noticed that delays happen when more information is asked for yet it has already been provided. Thank you for your attention in this matter..

1. You can describe your issue in details when you submit a ticket. I'n not sure that I understand the first suggestion.

2. If you have any issues with your email, just let our Support Team know. Unfortunately, we can't link one account to two emails.

3. In most cases our Support Team answers in the same language as the player speaks. But as there may be some delays with translation to some languages, they may answer in English to resolve the issue faster.
Jul 2, 2016, 16:1007/02/16
Jul 2, 2016, 16:12(edited)

@Jetset (2 July, 2016, 12:17 PM UTC):
For the first suggestion is already implemented ( ). I also don't recommend providing a description like the one I did, I just did it for the example.

The second suggestion could prove to be a large security issue (I don't recall any other site having this option, if this proves anything).

The third suggestion is somewhat already implemented, seeing as how most of the world speaks English (Or at least Google Translate does a decent job :P ). The Help and Support Desk usually does this to confirm certain information.
Jul 22, 2016, 19:2607/22/16
Jul 24, 2016, 15:57(edited)

@CMDR1Hander (22 July, 2016, 5:04 AM UTC):

The first suggestion might work, but I don't think players (In general) will be happy about such a big change as that.

The second suggestion also might work, but Plarium would have to think of a way to add another tidbit to the UI

@Dou Gollett Jr (22 July, 2016, 12:13 PM UTC):
The suggestion has been debated on other topics before, and was declined.

Jul 24, 2016, 07:3107/24/16
Jul 24, 2016, 07:32(edited)
Plarium has already announced that they will not be increasing the troop training speed despite requests from players.  So all posts asking for this will be deleted as spam. 
Jul 26, 2016, 05:2407/26/16
Jul 27, 2016, 13:24(edited)

How about a time limit on occupying bot/ inactive sectors which are not colonies? 

 High level players occupy all the sectors which are good for raiding.  Then they do nothing with them.  

At least make them show some kind of activity, reinforcement changes or something.

Keeping 1 dog in a sector, and nuking someone who raids it because they are so far away from their home sector.

Maybe a time/offense or time/ defense formula for occupation of sectors.

This makes it very difficult for new or lower level players to gain resources.

Trying to keep  engineers busy and upgrade  tech and build troops takes resources.



Declined. We are not planning to limit players in Invasions as there is a Weekly TOP for it.

Jul 26, 2016, 06:0007/26/16
rooferron1 said:

How about a time limit on occupying bot/ inactive sectors which are not colonies? 

 High level players occupy all the sectors which are good for raiding.  Then they do nothing with them.  

At least make them show some kind of activity, reinforcement changes or something.

Keeping 1 dog in a sector, and nuking someone who raids it because they are so far away from their home sector.

Maybe a time/offense or time/ defense formula for occupation of sectors.

This makes it very difficult for new or lower level players to gain resources.

Trying to keep  engineers busy and upgrade  tech and build troops takes resources.



Just raid them anyways and bunker your troops when they try to nuke you.  Or join a good clan so they won't try :P
Aug 6, 2016, 02:2008/06/16
Aug 8, 2016, 13:18(edited)

how about showing friends and personal allies on the 100x map?  just like it shows clan mates.

maybe a way to see the entire world map?  OR a 1000x map, i thought there used to be larger map scale



Thank you for this suggestion. I would like to know if other players support this idea.

Aug 8, 2016, 01:4008/08/16
Aug 8, 2016, 13:19(edited)

Reinstate troop losses for lack of credits. 

 There is no way the higher level players can build or support that many troops.  They used the infestation cheat to gain huge armies beyond their ability to maintain. 

 This used to be a primary concern when i first started playing. 

 It throws the game WAY out of balance.

  What is the maximum production for a sector without boosts?  Just buildings. 

 Plus if a player is inactive or an alt account than unpaid troops should desert. 

 If they want armies that big, they should buy crystals or raid and raid and raid.


Declined. We have removed troops losses because our players have asked us.

Aug 18, 2016, 20:1308/18/16
Aug 19, 2016, 08:44(edited)

Wide spread emitter drop.

Need to have an emitter drop that is not in area controlled by the big leagues/clans. It is disappointing to smaller clans that try to establish an enclave with HQ and player around an emitter or two. just to have them swatted and told to get out of our territory you will never get anything here. Small clans cant grow and recruit active players if they cant control territory. Or put a limit on the territory that the giant clans can possess.

Emiters drop according to a set scheme - around the current beacons Map. You can even try to predict where the new ones will appear. As we add them by little, they appear in certain areas, each time in a new place. 
Aug 20, 2016, 04:5608/20/16
Aug 22, 2016, 13:10(edited)

How about...

1) Allowing clan members a 1 click option to send out recon drones to all members of the clan.

Why for?

2) Since Skins are limited in choice how about letting us change the tint / color of our skins and  add additional weapons to the skin to upgrade its defense level

We will add more Skins in the future.

3) Ally war ship.  Smaller clans can join their resources and purchase an ally war ship and fill it with fighters from other clans.  This ship will have a unique option.  When launched,  it will have mission capability to attack up to 5 targets on one sweep.   Of course it will get weaker as it moves through its missions

Our devs are working on some similar idea right now..
Aug 20, 2016, 14:3908/20/16

@Vortex (20 August, 2016, 4:56 AM UTC):
Your first suggestion could raise a large amount of issues, such as not having enough recon drones, which players gets priority if there are not enough recon drones, players wanting more buttons like this (But for other troops), and the UI change to accommodate the new feature.

Your second suggestion could greatly complicate things if each player had their own individual colours/details; the storage Plarium needs for each individual possibility would be large, to say the least.

Your third suggestion is basically a modified version of Joint Attacks, which should be a clan-specific feature.

Aug 21, 2016, 10:2308/21/16

VORTEX said:

3) Ally war ship.  Smaller clans can join their resources and purchase an ally war ship and fill it with fighters from other clans.  This ship will have a unique option.  When launched,  it will have mission capability to attack up to 5 targets on one sweep.   Of course it will get weaker as it moves through its missions

This sounds fun.  That way people can have like 200 accounts all build troopers for a month, then send a wave of over 3 million troopers to kill a clan's emitters. 

Get it done Plarium!   :P
Sep 2, 2016, 13:1409/02/16
Sep 5, 2016, 10:26(edited)

We could use a filter in the warriors section of the clan menu for last login time. 

I'm not sure if it's necessary. I'd like to know what do others think of this suggestion.

 Also more info on how long players have been MIA.  3 days, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days.  

Accepted. Will be added with one of the future updates.



Sep 7, 2016, 22:5509/07/16
Sep 8, 2016, 11:57(edited)

Game balance has been lost.

  Pretty obvious you do not play your own game.   Make an account and play. you will soon realize which areas need adjustment.

All Plarium employees play our games, but not on public servers.

  Adjusting the infest reward/payout only affect newer lower level players.


It's not good to accuse others without any proof.

 My account is  old but, i have only returned to the game  recently. 

  You really need to re instate the troop salaries.  just look at the size of some of the armies and you will realize what i am talking about.  

  You can reward the whiners who want free units and no salaries , and continue losing players, or try to restore balance.



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