Some people might make fun of him for attacking without reconing (which is nearly always a bad idea) and losing that many troops at once.
And I'm at -40k credits per hr with 2 -15% consumption artifacts and -10% consumption from tech nexus upgrade. So troops would eat about 115k without any discounts.
@BiohazarD (21 December, 2014, 3:41 AM UTC):
Wow. I'll assume you have 6 fully upgraded Vaults, and a fully upgraded Financial Corporation thing as well?
Good thing there are so many 1T/1U:2Cr trades, right? lol
Also, if you're in the negative credit gain, it's also assumable that troops aren't killed off? Unless that happens only when you reach 0 Credits
as long as you have credits your troops are safe. when you reach zero, any that are in your sector start to die, but ones in emitters or bunker are safe (you just can't recall them until you find some credits). you also can't build troops very well, because any that come out after you're at zero credits will instantly starve.
Goon NoodLes said:
When adding images, you have to use the link button the CHAIN for making this as a link
Or use the image button (last button in editor) but then you have to insert the image link. In this case:
TheWizEd said:
How do you insert the image? I've tried Insert Image but all I get is a small square. I've tried PNG and JPEG but can't see the image in the post. I don't want to use link I want the image to appear just as has been done above.
I think the problem is with Google Drive. It creates an encrypted link that doesn't contain the file name or type. So the forum doesn't know the file type and how to display.
dude just use the lightshot program, it's free to download from and wayyyy easier to use :)
the lightshot program from is safe, i've been using it for months with no problems, as have many others on td.
But if you want you can download it directly from google for their chrome browser
If you don't trust google then I don't know what to tell you...
TheWizEd said:
Bio, does the same thing Google does. It gives you an encrypted link.
If I insert image with your link, I get the small square:
If I insert link with your link, I get just the link:
I need a file sharing link that preserves the file name "http:/" for example.
You are almost there...
Beining on that page (url) click with your right mouse button on the image, then you get some options like view image. This gives you the link to the image you asked for
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