If it was already in the game why remove it? I would think it would be easier to just leave it in for the people who want it. It's not like it would take up a significant amount of server space or require any continued work from plarium, it's just another set of labels.Hello, Commander.
The Dutch language was removed from the game for a reason of the low amount of Dutch players in the game. So for now, unfortunately, we have no plans to add this language to the game again.
BiohazarD said:
Sergey Kryvorotchenko said:
If it was already in the game why remove it? I would think it would be easier to just leave it in for the people who want it. It's not like it would take up a significant amount of server space or require any continued work from plarium, it's just another set of labels.Hello, Commander.
The Dutch language was removed from the game for a reason of the low amount of Dutch players in the game. So for now, unfortunately, we have no plans to add this language to the game again.
You're particularly right, Sir but on the other hand as we implement more and more updates, some of them need a brand-new localization. We do not translate new features just through Google Translate but create a localization based on national characteristics. That means we should keep a group of Dutch native speakers to support Dutch localization. For a reason of the low amount of Dutch players in the game, цe cannot afford that.
when we get Dutch language we need it that players an read the game in Dutch Version im speak too Dutch
if you want to verify i type here
hallo ik spreek nederlands ik wil graag dat jullie de nederlandse taal weer toevoegen in het spel we hebben inmiddels meer Nederlanders
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