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How to check my rank title?

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Mar 27, 2017, 04:3803/27/17

How to check my rank title?

How to check my rank title? Is there a army ranks chart in this game? How to know if I have been being promoted?
Mar 27, 2017, 10:2303/27/17

@Addyco7 (27 March, 2017, 4:38 AM UTC):
Do you mean your profile rank or your clan rank?

If you mean profile rank, go to your profile, and hover over the "Rank". The link to your profile (in-game) will be orange when you have been promoted, if you haven't already checked it out.

If you mean clan rank, you'll have to go to your clan roster, find your name, and hover over that rank. If you have been promoted, there should be a notification from your Diplomatic Advisor.

Mar 27, 2017, 15:4103/27/17

Thanks Fakeasnever, I am clear a portion now but still have problem with the rank, can you tell me the rank titles in ascending order of both profile rank and clan rank?

Mar 27, 2017, 16:1703/27/17

addyco7 said:

Thanks Fakeasnever, I am clear a portion now but still have problem with the rank, can you tell me the rank titles in ascending order of both profile rank and clan rank?

I haven't seen any chart with all the profile ranks, I think there are 20-30 of them though.  I know the highest rank is hero. 

Here are the clan ranks.  Cl and dcl can recruit/kick out members, cl, dcl, force commander, and warrior elite can lead joint clan attacks, and cl, dcl, force commander, warrior elite, diplomat, deep strike operative, recon operator, and counter force operator can see clan defense in emitters.  Cadets do not receive rewards for clan achievements/tournaments. 

Mar 28, 2017, 03:4303/28/17


Thankyou for your clan rank list and the duty/responsibility of each rank,  that I am clear now.