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New "Engage Hostiles" Feature!

New "Engage Hostiles" Feature!

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Dec 12, 2014, 12:1812/12/14

New "Engage Hostiles" Feature!

New "Engage Hostiles" Feature!
Monitor All Military Operations From One Place!


Attention, Commanders!

STRATCOM has collected efficiency reports from Sectors across the Wasteland, analyzed them and determined that there are improvements to be made in this area. We’re seeing troops remaining idle for extended periods of time while there are missions to be completed! STRATCOM values efficiency, Commanders.

In response, our engineers have developed a new streamlined mission management system - the "Engage Hostiles!" interface!

Starting now, all quests and missions requiring military action will be displayed together in one place! Click the new "Engage Hostiles!" button in the bottom-left corner of your screen to take advantage of the new interface!

From here, you will be able to manage your military action more efficiently and keep track of all ongoing or available missions. The "Engage Hostiles" interface will present a comprehensive list of incomplete missions, including PvP Quests, Infestations and Global Missions! Simply select a mission and track its progress, all in one place.

You will also be able to monitor and keep tabs on all your Enemies. Use this feature to plan and carry out retaliatory raids, or pre-emptive attacks. Remember, STRATCOM encourages constant vigilance!

Lock and load, Commanders!



Dec 12, 2014, 12:4212/12/14

Ok this is ridiculous .... now we have a button that has the same stuff that we still ALSO have on our screen. So effectively you doubled the places where we can do the same thing. Pointless much? Now if you had at the very least removed the stuff on the left side that is now in that "ops planner" there would at least be less stuff on my screen. But nope there is still the same amount and now in two places!!! Seriously? What is the point of doing that? We already have everything in that button on our screen and now you add it yet AGAIN? This was not thought through well ... 


Next remove the old stuff that you put into a new place .... man even a starting programmer knows that 

Dec 12, 2014, 14:2712/12/14
Oct 26, 2020, 12:03(edited)



Did you look close to al the options you have?


Like this: 


I really like it, finally no more excel sheet to keep track of your raids, and the amount left you can raid in a week.


But i also think, the other icon's for mission/tasks/pvp now can be removed 



Dec 12, 2014, 23:0912/12/14

I like this, makes finding raids I haven't already raided a lot easier.  Wish they had removed the duplicates though, my screen is even more cluttered now -_-

btw nutshot they did fix chat, you can open up people's profiles again from it now.  I still miss the old chat, but we mostly use teamspeak in my clan so it doesn't matter too much.  it is nice being able to close the friends bar, makes the screen a little bit bigger. 

Dec 15, 2014, 08:4112/15/14
Oct 26, 2020, 12:02(edited)

Commander NUT Shot, the chat functionning will be fixed soon. We are also going to introduce some changes for it to be more convenient.

As for achievements, we don't forget about this and now we are working on them.