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Interview with a member of the "Ukrainian Cats" Clan!Interview with a member of the "Ukrainian Cats" Clan!

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Interview with a member of the "Ukrainian Cats" Clan!

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Oct 2, 2016, 12:0010/02/16

Interview with a member of the "Ukrainian Cats" Clan!

Would you like to get advice and game tips from experienced players, Commander?

Follow the link to read an interview with a member of the "Ukrainian Cats" Clan!

Leave a comment if you want to learn more of the game secrets! 

Oct 2, 2016, 14:1410/02/16

@RoadStar Pitbull (2 October, 2016, 1:46 PM UTC):
Actually, they're one of (If not THE) top clan on Geotopia (Or Red Zero, no idea) on the FaceBook servers.

Keep in mind that Plarium hosts their games on multiple servers, not just their own.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Oct 3, 2016, 13:4610/03/16
roadstar Pitbull said:

Hummmm, now your making up clans... says alot about the status of the game..
We often interview some experienced players or TOP Clans from all our games. If you want someone we should definitely take an interview with, please contact General and let him know :)
Oct 25, 2016, 10:1510/25/16

A question about raiding.  I understand the concept of sending 10 raids 24hrs+ from weekly reset and thus having 10 raids available for Monday morning to get a max of 200k to start off for the weekly rankings.

So my question is, How are some players getting a lot more than that?

The Comtesse Du_Lac of the Noirs
Oct 25, 2016, 20:1110/25/16

@Comtesse Du_Lac (25 October, 2016, 10:15 AM UTC):
It seems you understand the basic concept of it ( Which for everyone else's information, is slightly more thoroughly explained in this topic  ).

What they may be doing is stacking these "raid resets" over a longer period of time than a single day.

Also, I understand that while this is under the Game Tutorials thread, please keep everything on topic, creating a new topic in the appropriate thread.