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Apr 13, 2016, 19:0504/13/16


Infestations Infestations, or infests, are special sites where you can fight Morgana's troops, and sometimes win troops for doing so. There are 2 main types of infests, ones where you are attacking (to which you should send only offense units) and ones where you are defending a target from morgana (to which you should send only defense units. The infests also have different location names (refugee camp, observation post, etc), but the names seem to have no impact on the type of troops morgana fights with, or the troops you can win for defeating them.

The amount of troops you win from infests is determined by the resource value of the troops you lost fighting the infests. This means that infests are useful for converting troop types you don't want to those you do. When you lose troops fighting in infests, their resource value is added to a "resource bank", minus a small tax (estimates of this tax rate vary, but it is somewhere between 3 and 10 %). If you have a sufficient resource value loaded into the bank and you defeat an infest it will pay you troops, and the resource value of these troops is deducted from the bank.

To convert between offense and defense units, you can take an infest down to low strength without finishing it off to load in resources, then finish off an infest of the opposite type. Because there is some tax for doing the infestations, a commander must choose wisely when they do infests, or they will quickly run out of troops. The best time to do infests is during the global tournaments, where the free troop rewards help offset the loss from tax.

Some commanders also fill up their sectors to maximum resource capacity before doing infests. This prevents the infestations from rewarding you with resources instead of troops, but can be dangerous if your sector is frequently raided. Many commanders have found it helpful to use charts or spreadsheets when doing infests, to keep track of various patterns they find. Here is a basic one, which shows the average offensive or defensive power of morgana's troops in an infest.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 14, 2016, 10:2604/14/16
Thank you for your guide. But could you please divide it into several paragraphs to make it more reader-friendly? 
Apr 15, 2016, 09:0604/15/16
Hmm somehow the newlines got cut out when I pasted it in here.  Fixed.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Apr 18, 2016, 12:4804/18/16
BiohazarD said:

Hmm somehow the newlines got cut out when I pasted it in here.  Fixed.
Thank you :)
Apr 18, 2016, 15:0404/18/16
Oct 26, 2020, 12:03(edited)
Maybe you should also provide links to the infest topics into this topic
Aug 19, 2016, 17:2308/19/16
Sep 20, 2019, 12:02(edited)
This doesn't work anymore. The numbers have changed. Does anyone have the new numbers?
Aug 30, 2016, 16:2808/30/16
How i reset the infestation.?! I dont have recomanded
Aug 30, 2016, 18:1108/30/16

Ilya Novikov said:

This doesn't work anymore. The numbers have changed. Does anyone have the new numbers?

It's not needed anymore, as you can now send just 1 troop to both offense and defense infests and see exactly how many enemy units are in them.

But if you're wondering how much it takes to get all the way to the top, I can tell you that a level 150 takes 7.1 mil power on average.  
Oct 29, 2019, 14:3910/29/19
Supreme Overlord of the Universe said:

This doesn't work anymore. The numbers have changed. Does anyone have the new numbers?
I gotta say, 2019 and I'm still using this chart. Numbers didn't change. It just changes for a person who attacks ( I mean different types of units: infantry/armored/artillery/air) but most of the time, it's either exact or 5k off, which for me is the same as exact. I would still recommend using this chart because it's pretty close and when you're doing an infest, you can avoid hitting infests with 1 troop and then leaving them. It's better to load it and kill it before next day, so that all the infest that you don't want will disappear next day and new ones will spawn, but if you hit infest, it stays before you kill it.