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Clan Conflict. Dev NotesClan Conflict. Dev Notes

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Clan Conflict. Dev Notes

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Mar 28, 2020, 13:4003/28/20

Clan Conflict. Dev Notes

Commanders, a special new Clan Tournament is upon us - the Clan Conflict.

Cooperate with your Clan Members to defeat your rivals!

Tournament Overview

The Clan Conflict is a time-limited Tournament that lasts for 2 days. During this Tournament, your Clan will be matched with an Opponent Clan to compete with. Both Clans must complete a variety of Tournament Tasks to earn Tournament Points. The Clan that earns more Points will be declared the winner.

Two days before the Tournament commences, Clan Members will be able to see the Teaser in the Events window. You can see your Opponent Clan here and do your research to devise a winning strategy.

Tournament Mechanics

To participate in this Tournament, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Your Clan must have more than 5 000 000 Power Points. (Your Clan Leader and authorized Clan Members can check this in the Clan Statistics tab.)
  • Your Clan should have been created more than 30 days ago
  • Your Clan should not be in the process of being dismissed
  • You must be a member of a Clan for more than 7 days
  • Your Clan must be matched with an Opponent

Tournament Tasks

Your Clan must complete Tournament Tasks to earn Tournament Points. The Tasks can be viewed in the "Info" tab of the Teaser found in the Event window. There is a huge number of Tasks, so all active Clan Members can earn Tournament Points easily. The types of Tasks are:

  • PvP Warfare. Earn Points for Units destroyed at various locations.
Note: ONLY Units belonging to your Opponent Clan will earn you Points. 

  • Infestations And Emitters. Amass Points by: 

          - Clearing Infestations

          - Completing Campaign Missions

          - Destroying Morgana's Mutants at Emitters

  • Sector. Earn Points by: 

          - Constructing and upgrading Buildings

          - Researching or upgrading Technologies

          - Applying Tech Nodes at the Tech Nexus

  • Resources. Earn Points by: 

          - Applying Uranium, Titanium, Credits, or Bioplasma Resource Packs

          - Raiding Resources

  • Tapsites. Claim points by collecting Resources from Tapsites.

  • Troop Collection. Rack up Points by acquiring any type of Unit: Infantry Units, Armored Corps Units, Artillery Units, Air Force Units, Recon Units, Fleet Battle Group Units, and Tactical Weapons. You will get Points for:

          - Training Troops

          - Getting Troops through Special Offers

          - Purchasing Troops at the Black Market

          - Earning Troops as Rewards from Infestations

  • Troop Restoration. Gain Points for restoring Troops at the Black Market or the Hospital.

  • Mercenary Operations. Collect Points by completing Individual, Clan, and Echelon Mercenary Operations.

  • Contracts. Receive Points for completing Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Contracts.

  • Champion Equipment. Obtain Points by: 

          - Opening Champion Equipment Crates

          - Scrapping Champion Equipment

          - Upgrading Champion Equipment

The more Tournament Points you earn, the more valuable your Rewards will be.

Opponent Clan Selection

1. Every Clan will be placed in a Tier based on the Tournament Points earned in the previous Clan Conflict. Clans are matched with others in the same Tier. Higher Tiers yield greater Rewards.

2. Only Clans that have not been matched with each other in the last 5 Clan Conflicts will be paired in the Tournament.

Note: In the Stone Tier, there is a chance that a Clan will not be assigned an Opponent and will not be able to participate in the Tournament.


The Clan Conflict Tournament has a new Ranking category - Tier Rankings.

Each Tier has its own Ranking. Clans that reach the Top 10 of their Tier will receive special Rewards. The higher the Tier, the better the Reward will be.


There are four types of Rewards in this Tournament. Each Clan Member can earn one or more of the following Rewards:

  • Reward for Completing Stages in your Tier. If your Clan completes a Stage, you can claim a Reward immediately.
  • Reward for Winning. If your Clan earns more Tournament Points than your Opponent Clan, you can claim this Reward after the Tournament finishes.
  • Reward for Ranking in the Top 10 of your Tier. If your Clan earns enough Tournament Points to be ranked among the TOP 10 Clans in your Tier, you can claim this Reward after the Tournament finishes.
  • Rewards for Completing Directives. If you complete a Directive, you can claim a Reward immediately.

Note: To claim Rewards, Clan Members must earn at least 2000 Tournament Points.

Band together with your Clan to plan and dominate!
