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Feb 1, 2020, 10:1102/01/20

Battle Pass. Dev Notes

New Feature: Battle Pass Season

Earn Battle Points To Seize Big Rewards!

A new feature has been introduced to Total Domination - Battle Pass! Devise a better strategy to come out ahead by giving this overview a quick read. Don’t forget to share what you learn with your Clanmates!


With the new Battle Pass feature, all players Level 15 and above can get even more from completing Daily and Weekly Contracts. In addition to your regular Rewards, you receive Battle Points! Battle Points help you complete Battle Pass Levels during the Season.

There are 30 Battle Pass Levels. To complete a Level and claim your Rewards, you need to complete enough Contracts to collect the required number of Battle Points.


If you use a Contract Favor to complete Daily or Weekly Contracts, you will not receive any Battle Points from them.

Battle Pass Seasons

Battle Pass is an Event that runs in Seasons. During a Season, you collect Battle Points to complete Battle Pass Levels and get Rewards. When the Season ends, your progress resets for the next Season. Don’t forget to claim your Rewards, because any unclaimed Rewards will disappear at the end of the Season.

Premium Battle Pass Bonuses only unlock once a Level Reward is claimed. With a Premium Battle Pass, you can also get better Troops and other amazing Rewards from higher Battle Pass Levels!

Battle Pass Bonuses

As well as the Rewards you get for completing Battle Pass Levels, there are also special Battle Pass Bonuses.

Battle Pass Resource Multiplier

During the Battle Pass Season, Resources raided from other Sectors are duplicated and tallied in the Battle Pass Resource Multiplier. At the end of the Season, these duplicated Resources will be added to your Warehouses and Banks even if they exceed their capacity limits.

Note that duplicated Resources are limited by your Battle Pass Resource Multiplier capacity. You can improve your Resource Multiplier capacity to Levels 2 and 3 by getting the Premium Battle Pass.

Battle Pass Training Queues

You can open up Battle Pass Training Queues with the Premium Battle Pass. The higher your Battle Pass Level, the more Battle Pass Training Queues you can open.

Additional Training Queues can be opened for:

- Infantry Units

- Armored Corps Units

- Artillery Units

- Air Force Units

These Additional Training Queues will expire at the end of the Battle Pass Season and all Units that are being trained will be moved to your regular Training Queues.

Battle Pass Types

There are two types of Battle Pass:

Battle Pass

With the standard Battle Pass, you are able to earn Battle Points from Daily and Weekly Contracts. You can then claim Rewards from Battle Pass Levels you've completed. However, not all Levels offer Rewards. You also get access to Level 1 of the Battle Pass Resource Multiplier.

Premium Battle Pass

You can acquire a Premium Battle Pass at the Bank anytime during the Battle Pass Season. This Premium Battle Pass expires at the end of the Season. With an active Premium Battle Pass, you can get even more Benefits, including:

- Rewards for every Battle Pass Level you complete

- Additional Unit Training Queues for all Unit Types

- The ability to increase the capacity of your Battle Pass Resource Multiplier to 20,000,000

- The ability to acquire a special new Item called a Level Finisher.

Level Finishers

A Level Finisher instantly completes one Battle Pass Level when applied. There is no limit to how many you can purchase. Unused Level Finishers will carry over to the next Battle Pass Season, but they can only be used if you have an active Premium Battle Pass.

Finishing Levels more quickly gets you Rewards faster and gives you more time to train extra Units.

It is possible to complete all Battle Pass Levels without a Premium Battle Pass and Level Finishers. However, these Items allow you to complete them faster and get greater Rewards. Complete as many Battle Pass Levels as possible to get all available Rewards.

Good luck, Commander. Take what you’ve learned and dominate the Battle Pass Season!

Feb 4, 2020, 14:4402/04/20
Feb 4, 2020, 15:49(edited)

Took one for the team and gave it a try :) Figured I'd offer my two cents!

First, pointers to anyone considering getting premium!

Rewards: Alright I suppose. I think the biggest reward everyone wants is that extra Que! Resource duplication is also nice! Those are really the only reasons to upgrade to Premium (10 USD)

Extra Queues: Only limited to ONE extra Que per unit type (No, you cant have a second Elite Que up and running, only a 2nd normal que lol) Unlocking time/points for each Que type is listed below

Resource Duplication: Up to 20M of each resource MAX can be duplicated at the end of the season, given you are able to raid that much!

Points: To get to the top step (30) you need to gather up 1750 points. You can get 10 points for each daily contract you complete, and 40 for each weekly contract you complete. Most are not to hard, pretty easy. But say you don't have a ton of units to PvP or use on infests, you might only be able to complete 6 dailies, and 3 weeklies.
That's 540 points a week. ( (10 pts x 6 dailies) x 7 days = points, + 120 from 3 completed weekly contacts)

It would take you about three and a half WEEKS to get that 1750 points in order to max out your premium rewards.

That will give you about (In a 30 day month):

30 days of an extra Infantry Que Acquired at level 1 (0 points needed)
(Will also be eligible for up to 1,000,000 of each type of raided resource to be duplicated at the end of the month)

22-21 days of an extra Armored Corps Que Acquired at level 12 (660 points needed)

Eligible for up to 10,000,000 TOTAL of each type of raided resource to be duplicated - level 16 (900 points needed)

16-15 days of an extra Artillery Que Acquired at level 20 (1140 points needed)

Eligible for up to 20,000,000 TOTAL of each type of raided resource to be duplicated - level 28 (1620 points needed)

8-6 days of an extra Air Force Que Acquired at level 30 (1750 points needed)

The only way to get points faster is to just buy levels with the level finisher. (30 USD)

So in order to get everything instantly your going to pay 40 USD, or be happy with the que times above!
Which brings me to my next point;

Level Finishers: Stackable. Any extra level finishers you buy will transfer over to the next month. HOWEVER, the same CANNOT be said for points.

If you buy up 30 level finishers at the beginning of the month, so your starting out with all rewards/30 levels/1750 points, you cannot start stacking next month's points up by finishing contracts. You are capped at the 30 levels/1750 points until next "Season" (month) starts, at which point you start at whatever level corresponds with however many extra level finishers you had accumulated the previous month.

Unless of course Plarium DOES count the points you get the previous month, and just isn't currently showing you stacking up those extra points.

Extra pointers:
w/o buying levels, your going to have about a week to raid 10M of EACH resource lol. Good luck with that!

Say you DO start out with 30 levels, you have 30 days to conjure up 20M of each resource to take max advantage of the duplication.
Say your able to do your 10, 100k raids every day, for 30 days, thats 30M resources, TOTAL
Divide that by the 3 raidable resources, and you only get 10M of each resource collected over the 30 day period. And thats only if you get PERFECT 100k raids every time. (never happens)
Also, of course, because raid mechanics, usually you end up getting 25k U/T, and 50k C.
So really, at the end of the month, your going to have a total payout of,  7.5M U, 7.5M T, and 15M C.

To Players: In my opinion, If you buy premium, then you HAVE to buy 30 levels in order to make it worth it. Cant really do either without the other!
That being said, is it worth it? If Contract POINTS were stack-able towards the next month, then I would say yes, probably.
But as it stands now, I say its best to save your money. I don't think 4 extra ques for 30 days is worth 40 bucks.

Sure, you might say the Resource duplication makes it worth it, but remember. The only reason your raiding for those resources, is to buy units. Your not going to get units faster if you raid more!

So in the end, in terms of pumping out more units, faster, having more resources doesn't really help.

END OPINION: 40 bucks for 4 extra ques for 30 days, and (given perfect raids EVERY DAY)  7.5M U, 7.5M T, and 15M C.
Worth it?


Maybe Plarium's "season" IS actually 3 months long, and I just happen to be getting the (very) short end of the winter season now.

In which case, add 2 months to EVERYTHING ABOVE, and my solid opinion Yes. @ just over 13 bucks a month, with the above que perks running for 2-3 months (and the time to take FULL advantage of resource duplication) Its a great deal :)

Mar 1, 2020, 05:2203/01/20


New "SEASON" (30 days) just started

Plarium really needs to retype that to "MONTH" lol.

Don't get the battle pass, not worth it AT ALL! :)
AlinaCommunity Manager
Mar 5, 2020, 10:5503/05/20

CoolRextreme said:


New "SEASON" (30 days) just started

Plarium really needs to retype that to "MONTH" lol.

Don't get the battle pass, not worth it AT ALL! :)


Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! Why do you think it's not worth it? You can train many units in 30 days  Besides, there are other bonuses you can take advantage of. Such as numerous rewards and Resource Multiplayer. Cheers! 
Mar 8, 2020, 08:0903/08/20
CoolRextreme said:

Took one for the team and gave it a try :) Figured I'd offer my two cents!

First, pointers to anyone considering getting premium!

Rewards: Alright I suppose. I think the biggest reward everyone wants is that extra Que! Resource duplication is also nice! Those are really the only reasons to upgrade to Premium (10 USD)

Extra Queues: Only limited to ONE extra Que per unit type (No, you cant have a second Elite Que up and running, only a 2nd normal que lol) Unlocking time/points for each Que type is listed below

Resource Duplication: Up to 20M of each resource MAX can be duplicated at the end of the season, given you are able to raid that much!

Points: To get to the top step (30) you need to gather up 1750 points. You can get 10 points for each daily contract you complete, and 40 for each weekly contract you complete. Most are not to hard, pretty easy. But say you don't have a ton of units to PvP or use on infests, you might only be able to complete 6 dailies, and 3 weeklies.
That's 540 points a week. ( (10 pts x 6 dailies) x 7 days = points, + 120 from 3 completed weekly contacts)

It would take you about three and a half WEEKS to get that 1750 points in order to max out your premium rewards.

That will give you about (In a 30 day month):

30 days of an extra Infantry Que Acquired at level 1 (0 points needed)
(Will also be eligible for up to 1,000,000 of each type of raided resource to be duplicated at the end of the month)

22-21 days of an extra Armored Corps Que Acquired at level 12 (660 points needed)

Eligible for up to 10,000,000 TOTAL of each type of raided resource to be duplicated - level 16 (900 points needed)

16-15 days of an extra Artillery Que Acquired at level 20 (1140 points needed)

Eligible for up to 20,000,000 TOTAL of each type of raided resource to be duplicated - level 28 (1620 points needed)

8-6 days of an extra Air Force Que Acquired at level 30 (1750 points needed)

The only way to get points faster is to just buy levels with the level finisher. (30 USD)

So in order to get everything instantly your going to pay 40 USD, or be happy with the que times above!
Which brings me to my next point;

Level Finishers: Stackable. Any extra level finishers you buy will transfer over to the next month. HOWEVER, the same CANNOT be said for points.

If you buy up 30 level finishers at the beginning of the month, so your starting out with all rewards/30 levels/1750 points, you cannot start stacking next month's points up by finishing contracts. You are capped at the 30 levels/1750 points until next "Season" (month) starts, at which point you start at whatever level corresponds with however many extra level finishers you had accumulated the previous month.

Unless of course Plarium DOES count the points you get the previous month, and just isn't currently showing you stacking up those extra points.

Extra pointers:
w/o buying levels, your going to have about a week to raid 10M of EACH resource lol. Good luck with that!

Say you DO start out with 30 levels, you have 30 days to conjure up 20M of each resource to take max advantage of the duplication.
Say your able to do your 10, 100k raids every day, for 30 days, thats 30M resources, TOTAL
Divide that by the 3 raidable resources, and you only get 10M of each resource collected over the 30 day period. And thats only if you get PERFECT 100k raids every time. (never happens)
Also, of course, because raid mechanics, usually you end up getting 25k U/T, and 50k C.
So really, at the end of the month, your going to have a total payout of,  7.5M U, 7.5M T, and 15M C.

To Players: In my opinion, If you buy premium, then you HAVE to buy 30 levels in order to make it worth it. Cant really do either without the other!
That being said, is it worth it? If Contract POINTS were stack-able towards the next month, then I would say yes, probably.
But as it stands now, I say its best to save your money. I don't think 4 extra ques for 30 days is worth 40 bucks.

Sure, you might say the Resource duplication makes it worth it, but remember. The only reason your raiding for those resources, is to buy units. Your not going to get units faster if you raid more!

So in the end, in terms of pumping out more units, faster, having more resources doesn't really help.

END OPINION: 40 bucks for 4 extra ques for 30 days, and (given perfect raids EVERY DAY)  7.5M U, 7.5M T, and 15M C.
Worth it?


Maybe Plarium's "season" IS actually 3 months long, and I just happen to be getting the (very) short end of the winter season now.

In which case, add 2 months to EVERYTHING ABOVE, and my solid opinion Yes. @ just over 13 bucks a month, with the above que perks running for 2-3 months (and the time to take FULL advantage of resource duplication) Its a great deal :)

Thanks for the summary.  The battle pass feature was copied over from some of plarium's other games, but on those games it comes with extra benefits (for example there's a 5th unit queue that it doubles, ways to raid more than 100k, overlaps with other tournaments that give points for building troops, etc).  Yet for some reason it's only half the price on those games compared to on td ($5 for the pass and $15 for all 30 boosters), yeah not sure what the devs were thinking on this one.