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The Truth About Infests (and some extra tips)The Truth About Infests (and some extra tips)

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The Truth About Infests (and some extra tips)

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Oct 28, 2019, 11:4110/28/19

The Truth About Infests (and some extra tips)

I know... I know... There are a lot of Tutorials on infests... But I'm pretty sure you will learn something from here as well, as it's... let's say... an ALL in ONE infest guide, also covering way more topics than just infest.

I've played this game since 2012 and trust me, there is almost nothing I don't know about infest (ALMOST). I've lost literally all my army  several times in this period because of it and there's an old saying: The fool learns from their own mistakes, the wise - from others'.

So, today, this fool will share his knowledge to you, the wise ones, who decided to read first and not after they've screwed up, so you don't need to experience them on yourselves.

Lets start with the basics:

1. Infest is NOT like a casino. 

There's no gambling, the payout is 3 to 5% less in resource cost (uranium+titanium+credits) compared to what you put in it.

You might wonder why would you do it when you can just save your troops as they are, where you could simply train the most efficient troops which are troopers (7.5 resource cost per base offense and it even scales bigger in defense once you upgrade tech to lvl 32) which leads me to

2. Infest is a way to simply get better troops than just troopers.

- But wait, Marshal, you just said troopers are the best units ingame.

-At some extent, but no, there is more to it and I will list the weaknesses of troopers right below.

2.1. The offense/defense gained by troopers costs way more credits per hour compared to same amount of offense from Battlecruisers + same amount of defense from Interceptors together. Why you need credit production? Silly question! to upgrade your buildings/tech, but, most importantly, TO TRAIN MORE TROOPS MWAHAHAHA...

 Ahem... Yes, what I meant is that Bioplasma is not nearly as fast at giving power than raw resources... it's a resource type designed for the late game Commanders who can't help but have no credit production at all, so they're left with an option to slowly, but still gain further power.

2.2. Troopers are slow. Generally, unit speed is crucial when raiding for quick resources, attacking HQs for downgrading them and sending reinforcements. 

Attacking HQs... That reminds me...

2.3. There's a limit of force which you can send to attack HQs and Emitters. HQs are more complex, but for emitters, it's 300k force, which means, you can attack it with 300k infantry units / 150k armored corps / 100k artillery / 33.333k air forces, in which case, troopers would be the worst to attack emitters out of those 4 options. (BTW, the order from best to worst is: Artillery>Air>Armored>Infantry, you can do the math on that one)

3. Infest gives you a possibility to get more Power Per Resource Spent. I know... troopers..., what I said has backfired... SYKE! there are three more buildings you can train from. if you train troops without any training time reduction, you can put most resources per day of training into 120 nemesis (159k total resources), 24 thunderbolts (129k total resources), 23 quantum cannons (121k total resources), 10 excaliburs (185k total resources). By putting these troops into an infest bank, you can gain way more power in return.

What do I mean with infest banks?

4. Infest has a banking system in it, each level of infest has a set amount of resources (troop costs) it can hold (the ones that you killed in them) I'm too lazy to list them right here, it would also be way more boring than what you're experiencing right now... that is, if you're still reading this, but basically you need to fill infest bank before it explodes into a massive payout. Yes, there are times the infest doesn't give as much in return as you spent on it, that's because its bank isn't filled up yet, but don't worry, you did not loose anything. Infest banks are shared for both defense and offense ones, up to 20 lvls (1-20, 21-40... etc...). but, you will not need to find the best troops for banking, as I've listed them up here for you. Doing infest with those particular troops will fill infest banks right away 9 out of 10 times.

5. Finally, I would like to Fire my words Back at me one last time: You can actually earn more resources worth of troops from infest, despite that 3 to 5% loss.

What I mean with this, is that from time to time, there are solo exp/recruiting tournaments and solo/clan infest tournaments. You can get points for all of those listed tournaments by doing the infest, which will result in more troops/resources/boosts/crystals rewards (frankly quite the same for me as it is the same for almost every late game Commanders, just slamming all of those to get more troops) but you must know, that overdoing the tournaments will eventually result in actually loosing the troops, not gaining them. You must do the infest, as if the tournament wasn't there. (that I learned the hard way as well).

This post is kind of big for my goldfish memory, so I'm sorry if I missed some things. I hope you all understand, but the important thing is, now you also know ALMOST everything about infest, meaning, you - Commanders will have easier time infesting and for all the weiners - they'll have harder time to complain about unknown infest mechanics.

P.S. Happy journey Commanders and thank you for following this big and boring post to the end.


Yours sincerely, The Red Horseman of War, Marshal KO
