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Calling all Clan Leaders! Calling all Clan Leaders!

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Calling all Clan Leaders!

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Feb 7, 2017, 16:4302/07/17

Calling all Clan Leaders!

Calling all Clan Leaders!

We will soon be publishing a new article on the Plarium Blog about how the most successful Clan Leaders operate!

To help us write the article, we are looking for expert opinions from the toughest Commanders around. If you are a Clan Leader, we would be really grateful if you could answer the following questions:

- How would you describe your leadership style?

- What advice or tips would you give to other Clan Leaders or people looking to start their own Clan?

If you’d like us to include your name and your Clan’s name in the article, let us know in your comment!

Feb 11, 2017, 23:3502/11/17
Feb 11, 2017, 23:47(edited)

Hello General Winters,

I am Psykik, the clan leader of Men of Renown (MoR) - #3 clan rank overall. 

Please include clan leader name, clan name, and special thank you message in the article..

Special thank you message: 

Thank you to all the members and allies, friends, that support Men of Renown - and to our enemies as well for making us who we are in the wastelands . We are MoR, the most lovable, feared, and best clan in the wastelands - thank you for making us #3 Overall clan rank !!!!

Please see the answer below:

- How would you describe your leadership style?

The leadership within MoR - within the management team - CL and DCL, is what I would consider mixture of free-rein and democratic. Depending on the context, each DCL within the organization is responsible for key deliverable to meet the clan short term and long term goals. This allows them to be empowered as well as providing the support and enabling other members to feel motivated and empowered by providing them the flexibility to decide the best process to execute and to meet goals. That said this is what we would consider free-rein. However, it is important to mention that when it comes to planning we have a democratic process that the management (CL/DCL) discuss and give the best guidance to the members of the clan.

- What advice or tips would you give to other Clan Leaders or people looking to start their own Clan?

Here are the Do and Don't of clan leaders:

Do: Be supportive, assertive, empower, and provide clear well defined goals. Motivate through identify strengths of each member. Focus on that to develop ways for them to maximize fun. Last, but not the least - do not beat down on people's short comings/mistakes. Encourage an environment of learning -be open to feedback - good and bad - identify ways to improve. LISTEN!

Don't: be demanding, controlling, and don't use members.  

Mar 25, 2017, 21:3903/25/17
When will this be published on the blog?
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 27, 2017, 14:0503/27/17
CK-Prophesy said:

When will this be published on the blog?
hi! We've passed all information to our journalists. Once they finish their article, it will be published on a blog :)
Apr 6, 2017, 12:2004/06/17

Do: Be supportive, assertive, empower, and provide clear well defined goals. Motivate through identify strengths of each member. Focus on that to develop ways for them to maximize fun. Last, but not the least - do not beat down on people's short comings/mistakes. Encourage an environment of learning -be open to feedback - good and bad - identify ways to improve. LISTEN!

Don't: be demanding, controlling, and don't use members.  

Hello Psykik,

It's really great to see the DOs and DON'Ts..... Strategy, Thought-process and the Clarity in Management, shows why you folks are ranked #3. Well deserved. 

Kudos to your entire team.


Shubs (-1229; -2110)

Feb 2, 2018, 17:5902/02/18

I just stumbled across this quote today. From my experience in MoR Leadership, I believe this perfectly sums up our leader's leadership style!

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

-George S. Patton

Stand tall MoR, Stand tall!

Feb 7, 2018, 21:3002/07/18
CoolRextreme said:

I just stumbled across this quote today. From my experience in MoR Leadership, I believe this perfectly sums up our leader's leadership style!

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

-George S. Patton

Stand tall MoR, Stand tall!

Well said, Commander! 
Jul 7, 2020, 20:5407/07/20
Would love to know when this will be on the blog. It has been 3 years