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The reward system on Infestations is now secure against unfair play!The reward system on Infestations is now secure against unfair play!

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The reward system on Infestations is now secure against unfair play!

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Jun 23, 2016, 10:1106/23/16

The reward system on Infestations is now secure against unfair play!

Commanders, the new reward system on Infestations is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way.

IMPORTANT: The following applies only to new Infestations, i.e. the ones you have not engaged yet.

A few players have identified weaknesses in the Infestation mechanics and exploited them to gain significantly more Units than they were supposed to. Such actions negatively influence the game balance and are unfair to other players. To remedy the situation, we have slightly modified the Infestation mechanics.

Unfortunately, these modifications will also affect those players that engage Infestations utilizing the following strategy:

- First, they almost defeat Morgana at multiple Infestations of different levels, i.e. there is a small number of Morgana’s Units remaining at each one of them.

- Next, they engage Infestations of higher levels, receiving a reward.

- Then, they finish all the remaining Infestations.

This strategy may now be less effective.

These modifications will not influence those players that engage (and finish) the Infestations one at a time.

Jun 23, 2016, 15:0206/23/16
Oct 26, 2020, 12:03(edited)

Excuse me ......

      " obtain Units in an unfair way  "

     " exploited them to gain significantly more Units "

     "Such actions negatively influence the game balance and are unfair to other players"

Active players, who take their time, play regular, play for a long time, take their time to investigate and understand game mechanics are by your words now CHEATERS ??

Is that how you write about your loyal players who spend a lot of time (and money) to your game and analyzing game mechanics that your developers set as rules!

There is nothing Unfair at using game mechanics for your own benefit. You made those rules in your code! We took time to understand those!

I like an excuse from you to all us of players who you tell are unfair and exploiting the game!!

I also like you to restore infest system as it was.

At this moment, infest only give losses, you gain less then you send!

Also i like to know how these chances influence the banking system!


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jun 23, 2016, 15:2306/23/16


1. Did you reset my bank again?

- No, we did not. We have never tampered with the bank since the day we first launched the game.

2. So, what shall I do now to get my big reward?

- You can fully defeat Infestations now, always gaining something in return. If you used to leave Infestations almost defeated, you will see that with the new strategy the big payout will come a bit later. The amount of troops won't change too much, and you are guaranteed to receive something from every defeated Infestation.

3. From now on. How should the banking system work ?

- The mechanics of payouts will work as it did before. You will still get big payouts, as you used to receive before.

4. Will my currently yellowed (touched) Infestations be affected?

- No, they won't.

5. Did you change payouts/Infestations strength?

- No, both: the possible size of your payout and the strength of Infestations will remain the same.

Jun 23, 2016, 20:1606/23/16

I agree with everything Maniakaal said.

I would like to emphasize that in the last 6 infests I did I lost 500k offense power - did one by one with the last one to be lvl50 (the rest between lvl 6 and 85)!!!

I know infests have been a little crazy lately... I was hopping to finish lvl 139 and lvl 140 (they're the one I have left to do)... but with these "changes" I prefer not ot risk...

I sent, once upon a time, a question to Plarium: "Does the infest bank resets after a certain amount of time?" - 'cause I was doing lvl 100+ during a month and then I received 50 plasma cannons as a reward after "spending" 18000000 (18M or 18000k) - LMAO - the answer was: "That is part of the infests algorithm and we can't discuss this with you" - thank YOU!!!!

After all - If you get a big payout - keep it and spend it on other players... 'cause 'till today all in all I always loose everything on infests...

Jun 24, 2016, 03:4106/24/16
Jun 24, 2016, 03:45(edited)

I question the "unfair to other players" bit.  They had the same opportunity to test, learn about, and devise a way to exploit the system that we did.  It's not our fault they didn't figure it out  :P

"You can fully defeat Infestations now, always gaining something in return."  In my experience, you always have a negative net gain when doing infestations.  Of course you do get the champion items, but these are rarely enough to offset your troop losses, and once you have a full set of items winning extra doesn't do you a whole lot of good. 

ex: To upgrade a class 4 legendary item to level 1 costs 15000 parts.  Selling class 4 items for parts gets you 480 parts per item (the rare ones get a bit higher, so figure 550 average) and you can get these from level 70+ infests.  To kill a level 70 infest takes about 1 mil power, so with the 10% tax on infests you get 900k back and the other 100k is lost.  To get enough points to upgrade one item you'd need to sell 27 items.  At 100k lost power per item, this means you'll lose 2.7 million offense or defense power.  And from the item upgrade it increases the boost by 0.5-2%.  Assuming the max, 2%, (this boost is to base power, so the increase in effective power is about 1.72/1.7-1 or 1.1%) in order to make up for the lost troops with the gain from the boost, you would need to have an army of 240 million power. 

For common, uncommon, and rare items the cost is lower, but so is the % boost, so in the end the math works out about the same. 

Jun 24, 2016, 22:4706/24/16

I am speechless ! ...and believe me it doesn't happen often.

I'll just second Mania.

P.S. Very insulting and arrogant ! I wish I was wrong ..
Jun 25, 2016, 00:0006/25/16

Wow! This is Ridiculous. Once upon a time players could invest their units into infestations and do infestations for fun and it was a good way to grow your army, but you got back what you put in resource wise. Then Plarium had to go and mess it up for everyone by changing the system and players had to get used to the new way. We figured out how to work within the new system and it worked even though every player had to get used to always having 30 - 40 million resources stuck in their banks permanently!! thats a lot of lost units... lost overnight thanks to Plarium's changes. And now they go and change it again overnight and suddenly instead of having 30-40 I now have over 60 Million resources unaccounted for lost somewhere in Plarium's brilliant changes!!!

Not Happy At All

Lord Hanzo
Jun 25, 2016, 01:5806/25/16
well it doesn't matter because you don't get units from every win, I only received unit rewards as I usually did just every once in a while so why bother yourself with this trivia  
Jun 25, 2016, 05:1306/25/16

Infests are your biggest money maker and draw in this game, folks.  You should be cognizant of that fact.  Why should I spend one cent on crystals in a scenario which leaves me no chance to gain in the longer run? I don't need to win every time, and I don't need to gain huge amounts of troops every time, but I DO need to know that the possibility for some improvement exists.  You have taken that completely away in your greed, from all of us.  Do not try to hand us the old "you win something every time."  You know quite well, as do we, that this is not a profit, and has to be refed under the current system, just to have the pleasure of losing more.  If someone were to take your child's milk bottle, give it to you full, and tell you the child could drink whatever they wanted, and they would sell you an ounce of milk every time the child took a drink, that child would soon go hungry.  Then they tell you not to worry.  You are getting some milk , and the bottle will eventually be full.  So the child can wait,.. or you can purchase extra milk for a fee.  You would soon be looking for another dairy. 

I doubt this game will last another seven years.  Maybe not another one.  Thank you for giving us  so much digital product this anniversary which costs Plarium nothing.  And thanks for making it costly to pursue those rewards which cost you nothing. There is so much more to thank you for, if I only l had the time.  And gee whiz, I forgot to mention the many other things I could be doing than playing this game and writing this mail.

Jun 25, 2016, 15:5206/25/16
Amen, Brother Gallen.  Well said....
Jun 25, 2016, 19:5106/25/16
Jun 25, 2016, 19:58(edited)

@Nikita Meteor (23 June, 2016, 10:11 AM UTC):
I feel there is a lot of miscommunication happening between the players and the company.

What I understand from this topic is that A) Nothing has really changed (And the wording is confusing some players including myself), or B) Players weren't meant to gain anything from Infestations (Which makes players equally unsatisfied).

Regardless of the intention, I believe that there should be some clearing up.

To all players reading this:
I have asked the Community Managers to please explain this change better; Whether they can/will or not can't be changed by me any further.

Until they reply, I politely ask that you refrain from including profanity in your posts, as if there is too much, they will be completely deleted and your opinion will be completely unheard.

Jun 25, 2016, 22:5006/25/16
Feb 29, 2020, 12:11(edited)

This is exactly why I stopped buying crystals. This isn't a game we, the players control. This a money maker for Plarium.

Do yourself a favor and find a new hobby. This FREE game costs those of us who have bought crystals more money than any game should.

Jun 25, 2016, 22:5006/25/16
fakeasnever said:

@Nikita Meteor (23 June, 2016, 10:11 AM UTC):
I feel there is a lot of miscommunication happening between the players and the company.

What I understand from this topic is that A) Nothing has really changed (And the wording is confusing some players including myself), or B) Players weren't meant to gain anything from Infestations (Which makes players equally unsatisfied).

Regardless of the intention, I believe that there should be some clearing up.

To all players reading this:
I have asked the Community Managers to please explain this change better; Whether they can/will or not can't be changed by me any further.

Until they reply, I politely ask that you refrain from including profanity in your posts, as if there is too much, they will be completely deleted and your opinion will be completely unheard.

fakeasnever, thank you for your efforts.  I do not like being negative toward this game, as I enjoy it very much, and I believe Plarium to be very innovative and proactive in trying to keep content flowing and interesting.  I also understand that it is a business for them, and they have to make a profit to do this.  However, it takes two to make a working partnership.  If one side takes advantage, there usually comes a separation.  I am not at this point yet, but I am finding it harder and harder to accept everything that comes along that seems to be a blatant money grab.  The infestation system seems to me to be the biggest of these.  Even if it is "the same" as before, we need to know what "before" was, in reality.  Any clarification of misconceptions on my part, or that of other players, from Plarium, I am sure would be greatly appreciated.  They are not "required to" do this, but good PR is the cornerstone of any successful business.  Once again, I thank you, sir.
Jun 25, 2016, 23:3206/25/16

Gallen Whalthey said:

fakeasnever said:

@Nikita Meteor (23 June, 2016, 10:11 AM UTC):
I feel there is a lot of miscommunication happening between the players and the company.

What I understand from this topic is that A) Nothing has really changed (And the wording is confusing some players including myself), or B) Players weren't meant to gain anything from Infestations (Which makes players equally unsatisfied).

Regardless of the intention, I believe that there should be some clearing up.

To all players reading this:
I have asked the Community Managers to please explain this change better; Whether they can/will or not can't be changed by me any further.

Until they reply, I politely ask that you refrain from including profanity in your posts, as if there is too much, they will be completely deleted and your opinion will be completely unheard.

fakeasnever, thank you for your efforts.  I do not like being negative toward this game, as I enjoy it very much, and I believe Plarium to be very innovative and proactive in trying to keep content flowing and interesting.  I also understand that it is a business for them, and they have to make a profit to do this.  However, it takes two to make a working partnership.  If one side takes advantage, there usually comes a separation.  I am not at this point yet, but I am finding it harder and harder to accept everything that comes along that seems to be a blatant money grab.  The infestation system seems to me to be the biggest of these.  Even if it is "the same" as before, we need to know what "before" was, in reality.  Any clarification of misconceptions on my part, or that of other players, from Plarium, I am sure would be greatly appreciated.  They are not "required to" do this, but good PR is the cornerstone of any successful business.  Once again, I thank you, sir.

Galen Whalthey, Sir

Well said.

We all love this game.. we wouldn't be here otherwise , right?

There is no small customer. If the product is good, the smallest customer can bring the biggest business only by referring new customers , right? 

I hope the managers of this business will see the problem coming and realize that the old rule for successful business is still valid.

Customer is always right ! Of course when customers demands are reasonable. I strongly believe ours are ! 

I myself do not like when someone insults my intelligence.. I take it very personally ! and as cherry on top being insulted of cheating.. please !

One other little thing.. it is very difficult to build a business.. takes a big effort and investments and time for it to prove itself on this huge market out there But it takes so little to get ruined..

I hope it doesn't come to it !

Jun 26, 2016, 19:1706/26/16
cD-pSyKik said:

My post did not have any swear word or any thing against the rules, may i know why it got deleted??

I wasn't the one who deleted it, but it was probably removed for encouraging players to not spend money on the game (Forum rules 3.11).  Also, asking why a post was deleted is against the rules as well (Forum rules 3.15). 
Jun 26, 2016, 19:3906/26/16
Jun 27, 2016, 14:40(edited)

BiohazarD said:

cD-pSyKik said:

My post did not have any swear word or any thing against the rules, may i know why it got deleted??
I wasn't the one who deleted it, but it was probably removed for encouraging players to not spend money on the game (Forum rules 3.11).  Also, asking why a post was deleted is against the rules as well (Forum rules 3.15). 

This is my clan message: 

[00:28] pSyKik : Donot Spend any money or do infest on this game till plarium rollback the infest system and apologise for calling us cheaters.

I spoke for my clan not for anyone else, and i dont have to encourage others, plarium is doing it them selves.

Why do they do everything to ruin the game and make us feel like we wasted time here and when we ask them the post gets deleted?

Why was my question about "How to load the bank of a lvl 140 infest was not answered?? can you or any other plarium genius answer???
Jun 26, 2016, 19:4606/26/16
Jun 26, 2016, 19:48(edited)

Q 1: How will we load the bank now, need to load 250 Mill res for a 125 payout so if you can not yellow the infests then how will you load the bank?

Q 2. when it was an exploit / unfair aka cheating to yellow the infest then why the hell was it never mentioned anywhere in fact everyone encouraged to do that when i started playing even here on the forums?

Q 3. Will there be any reply or will this post be deleted as well (not against the rule as i am not asking about my past deleted post but a future one)
Jun 26, 2016, 20:0306/26/16
Jun 26, 2016, 20:14(edited)

We are consumers of your product. We can express how we feel at any time. Think about this....

Some of us are very social media saavy , blogs... there many ways to express our feedback and thoughts - and those rules you do not control. We are not bashing or defaming . we are expressing our individual rights and views.  

Unless you are going to tell me you are donald trump and you'll sue me.. please do so. 

But i will still express that this change and the message from the administrators (Plarium) needs to apologize.  make your changes and announce but talking negative about your target consumers - will result in them also writing about it, telling there friends... what are you going tod o tell mem not to tell my firend that this game suuuuuuuuuu cks?  

P.S. I've taken a screenshots of this thread..and send them to management via LinkedIn.  Cheers. Freedom of speech!  No foul language or finger pointing was made. it was just purely to say that hey why is your message to your target consumers so alienating? Is this your mtking practice? And imagine if we could tag people / connect this to wtitter and twitter constantly...

we can also do the same as the democratic party that  is trying to change gun laws... :P

BiohazarD said:

cD-pSyKik said:

My post did not have any swear word or any thing against the rules, may i know why it got deleted??
I wasn't the one who deleted it, but it was probably removed for encouraging players to not spend money on the game (Forum rules 3.11).  Also, asking why a post was deleted is against the rules as well (Forum rules 3.15). 

Jun 26, 2016, 22:0406/26/16
Jun 26, 2016, 22:06(edited)

@CD-Psykik (26 June, 2016, 7:46 PM UTC):
For #1, the first post implies that players are meant to engage single Infestation sites at a time. So yes, it could take quite a while, but players are supposed to load their bank with what they don't immediately get back.

For #2, I have no idea, since Plarium makes changes as they deem best. I have, however, asked the Community Managers to kindly provide an explanation of what exactly has been changed, so we'll have to wait on what they have to add before drawing complete conclusions.

For #3, I can delete a post or two for the answer to be yes :P

@CK-Prophesy (26 June, 2016, 8:03 PM UTC):
Well I supposed I could tell you I am Donald Trump and that I will sue you... But no one ever stated that any of that had to be true :P


There's no reasonable way anyone could enforce anything like what you say, so Plarium only has rules against that on their own forums.

About the "Calling your entire player-base cheaters" part, I stated in one of my previous posts in this thread that there I think there is some miscommunication going on. While slightly different from the official definitions, Plarium may classify that strategy as unfair because they didn't intend Infestations to be played like that. Not correcting earlier content that was previously green-lighted may have been an oversight.

Jun 27, 2016, 03:1706/27/16
Jun 27, 2016, 03:18(edited)
fakeasnever said:

@CD-Psykik (26 June, 2016, 7:46 PM UTC):
For #1, the first post implies that players are meant to engage single Infestation sites at a time. So yes, it could take quite a while, but players are supposed to load their bank with what they don't immediately get back. <<< What does this mean and my question again how do i load for  level 125 or 140? I will ask how long it will take after i know how to load.

For #2, I have no idea, since Plarium makes changes as they deem best. I have, however, asked the Community Managers to kindly provide an explanation of what exactly has been changed, so we'll have to wait on what they have to add before drawing complete conclusions. >>> Its a pretty simple question for the ones who developed this game in its current state since last 7 years, I wonder whats taking them so long.  

For #3, I can delete a post or two for the answer to be yes :P 

@CK-Prophesy (26 June, 2016, 8:03 PM UTC):
Well I supposed I could tell you I am Donald Trump and that I will sue you... But no one ever stated that any of that had to be true :P


There's no reasonable way anyone could enforce anything like what you say, so Plarium only has rules against that on their own forums.

About the "Calling your entire player-base cheaters" part, I stated in one of my previous posts in this thread that there I think there is some miscommunication going on. While slightly different from the official definitions, Plarium may classify that strategy as unfair because they didn't intend Infestations to be played like that. Not correcting earlier content that was previously green-lighted may have been an oversight. >>> Miscommunication???? can you read NIKITA's msg again? Do you know how plarium wants their player to play infests? Enlighten us please and @ Oversight for 7 years when it was known and repeated again and again?? you are stating that everyone here who commented are wrong and should not feel insulted for plarium calling us exploits and unfair. Im sorry to say but if you dont know anything then dont reply. 

Jun 27, 2016, 06:3006/27/16

BiohazarD said:

cD-pSyKik said:

My post did not have any swear word or any thing against the rules, may i know why it got deleted??
I wasn't the one who deleted it, but it was probably removed for encouraging players to not spend money on the game (Forum rules 3.11).  Also, asking why a post was deleted is against the rules as well (Forum rules 3.15). 

What kind of manipulation, keep the truth away from the people ploy is this?

I will not encourage players to "not spend money" However, I feel that I have the right to explain why I do not spend money. Let's say I trade $600 of real money for 100k of your imaginare worthless money to buy a bunch of units... The you massecre them all while trying to do infests and Im left with nothing at the end of the day because the game systematically eliminated all the units I sent for the infest with increasingly deminishing returns.. How if this going to leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling when I spent two weeks slaving away at a real job just to trade it for nothing? Although I will not discourage others. I myself would be stupid for spending my hard earned cash for smoke and mirrors. This is why I dont care for MMOs so called "free to play" I wish I could go back to just buying a game and being able to play it. I guess I was the stupid one for spending real money for fake money that will dissapear faster than a drunks money at a casino. At least they will feed you and comp you a room :(