PvE changes - Tournament Points calculation mechanics
Commanders! Here's a quick heads-up!
In the next Infestation Extermination (PvE) Tournament, STRATCOM will be changing the Tournament Points calculation mechanics. Now, instead of gaining Tournament Points only for successfully clearing Infestations, you will get Points for taking out Morgana's troops even when you fail to neutralize the Location. A couple notes regarding the upcoming changes:
1. The total number of Tournament Points received from Infested Sites remains the same. Only their distribution mechanics have been altered: you will receive Tournament Points regardless of whether the Infestation was cleared – they are now issued per troop eliminated, rather than per Infestation cleared. It was really frustrating when you worked away at your last Infested Site but didn’t manage to clear it until after the end of PvE Tournament, wasn’t it? Now, you will get the Tournament points you deserve for your efforts in such cases.
2. The update in question will only affect Infestation Extermination Tournament Point calculation mechanics. Rewards for Infestations and rewards for the Tournament remain the same.
If you left some Infestations nearly defeated in order to finally clear them during the PvE Tournament, STRATCOM recommends that you destroy them now before the next PvE Tournament starts, so you can have fresh ones available, full of mutants to target, and maybe even get to top the Rankings!