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Place of the farmers in this game

Place of the farmers in this game

Mar 25, 2020, 13:5003/25/20

Place of the farmers in this game


i hope it will be a debate :)

i was thinking about the new ovo and the gameplay in general.

in the new ovo we have now 2 categories (without citadel and stronghold i mean) for fighting and one for assaillants/apostats AND farming

so what happens ?

i notice several times now that less the people farm more they win the ovo

because when you farm you are attacked and when you are attacked you loose two categories at the same time.

so this new system leads to fight assaillants and that's all if you want to win you have to not farm tiles at all...

solutions for me ?

make one categorie to attack tiles and one for attack town

make one categorie for assaillants/apostats and one for farming.

that will make people play !

you farm more you have the categorie

you attack more you have the categorie(s)

from now it's the opposite : the less you play the more you win

in addition understand this general fact :  without hervivores predators die

Farmers have to want to play, so give them reasons to do so.

however, none of the latest updates are intended for them.

I have been playing this type of game for over 20 years (yes i'm old) and I have already seen this situation.

If nothing is done to improve the desire to play, farmers will stop and we, attackers (and yes I am an attacker and not a farmer;)) we will find ourselves almost without targets.

i imagine you, at plarium, want people play the game, not to have boring time and so go play another one ...

people who are not interested in fighting are numerous, so make something to interest them is good for your business ^^

Thank you !
Mar 25, 2020, 16:5803/25/20


Thats have no chance, Attacking farming is counting twice.

Change this please

Mar 25, 2020, 19:0003/25/20
Mar 25, 2020, 19:01(edited)

As you can see, two categories win but with a little amount of combat : proof it was only on tile.

so we can't even say that this system favors attackers ...

Mar 26, 2020, 00:4603/26/20
Mar 26, 2020, 00:49(edited)

> make one categorie to attack tiles and one for attack town

That won't change that. Towns are remaining shielded throughout - so even with this change it will be 0:0, leaving it to the tiles to win or lose.

i.e. The way it is now.

When last update was coming, I peeked at what the last Vikings update did.

Seems they have split out the yield in yield/As​s/APO category there.

Mar 26, 2020, 15:2003/26/20

WWO said:

> make one categorie to attack tiles and one for attack town

That won't change that. Towns are remaining shielded throughout - so even with this change it will be 0:0, leaving it to the tiles to win or lose.

i.e. The way it is now.

if there were two categories, players can win one by shutting down their shield and make attack on town ...
i imagine only "big"players of course will do that and ... well ... good for the game.
troops are not made to remain in our town, they are made to play and maybe to die.

Apr 2, 2020, 00:1104/02/20

so, one more ovo behind us

i confirm ; the less you play the more you win

you don't farm : you win

you don't launch a citadel championship : you win

conclusion : this game is becoming less and less fun ...

don't spend a penny for you ovo, the less you play, the more chance of winning you have

, it's not necessary to take out you credit card ^^
Apr 2, 2020, 22:1404/02/20

Rezowifix said:

... troops are not made to remain in our town, they are made to play and maybe to die.

No. Troops are mean and grown to kill. It's why you train them. Preferably over and over again, forever. Full stop.

That they don't ... is a another story.

Apr 5, 2020, 14:3104/05/20
WWO said:

Rezowifix said:

... troops are not made to remain in our town, they are made to play and maybe to die.

No. Troops are mean and grown to kill. It's why you train them. Preferably over and over again, forever. Full stop.

That they don't ... is a another story.

well that's what i said and the new ovo system do not favor playing and especially attack :(-
Apr 10, 2020, 16:0904/10/20

WWO said:

> make one categorie to attack tiles and one for attack town

That won't change that. Towns are remaining shielded throughout - so even with this change it will be 0:0, leaving it to the tiles to win or lose.

i.e. The way it is now.

When last update was coming, I peeked at what the last Vikings update did.

Seems they have split out the yield in yield/As​s/APO category there.

thank you for the link to the viking update

hopefully we can get that for KaW 

( separate category for resource yield )

not that it will make much difference ..  

as those with the stamina to kill a large number of alphas

will also have the safe conducts to shield a large number of alpha camps

still it will add some additional diversity to the event 

and anything that achieves that .. is worth asking for 


in regards to having separate categories for Combat - Troops Killed on Tiles & Troops killed in Towns

people do sometimes make a mistake with their Town Protection 

(expires while offline , slow replacing shield when farming dead towns etc)

and when this happens the results can be event changing .. 

allowing the opposing order to yield camps / tiles  . 

 using small numbers of Tier One troops 

without having to use Safe Conducts / shields   ...    

as whatever hits they take will not effect the outcome of the Troops killed in towns / on tiles category 

since the update has been in play .

the order i am in was able to yield freely , without safe conducts on two occasions .. 

due to a player in the opposing order making a mistake with their town protection 

so i would NOT like to see the current category split 

Apr 11, 2020, 13:5104/11/20
Apr 11, 2020, 13:51(edited)

I like more ovo now ... but reading rezo message, i believe he has a point here
yes, would be 1 to 1; but farmers would have a chance to farm more than be killed and we warriors will have more targets; yup, rezo's right; war is kinda vanished from ovo, except for citadel arena mostly (congrats platium for arena, really cool)

Apr 12, 2020, 09:0104/12/20
you are all talking about farming... just look at the name of the game... its not saing THRONE: Kingdom at Farming. i understand the things you all say but its a war/strategy game not farmville
Apr 24, 2020, 14:3304/24/20

LEKIAM said:

you are all talking about farming... just look at the name of the game... its not saing THRONE: Kingdom at Farming. i understand the things you all say but its a war/strategy game not farmville

and ?

the number of time that a town's shield drop down is very very low ...

and almost of that you can move every 1 minutes and you are not attack by a raid or anyone.

i'm not a very big player and has supported and win a 1397 billions power raid

it's not for bragging ... : it"s a fact ----> it's very difficult to make burn a town :p

so we, attackers, are searching for targets and tiles are target.

clearly farming is not the purpose of the game, you can see it in the fact you have to farm one year to do 2 or 3 final studies :p

tiles are here to be attacked. and in the new ovo's system the players farm with a shield : no attack possible, or not farm : no attack

yes the game is a war game and, as Lady Es†her says it, such things like arena are pretty cool, very strategic: it's fun to do.

but trust me or not, i've allready see severals games deserted by attackers when targets lack

May 3, 2020, 11:0705/03/20

Who says Throne is a war game ? Bullshit - Throne is a Click and PAY game. 

OVO -> no fights to win

KVK  -> ONE arena placed at 1.30 am and you win TWO days - and stop all fight

May 3, 2020, 11:0905/03/20
and Farmers Buy 200 shields to farm with shields