Dec 10, 2019, 05:5412/10/19
REQ: Display gold inventory when in Order Citadel
And RSS too.
I understand that the 'title bar' is filled with Citadel RSS when in the Order Citadel, as opposed to 'regular' RSS when on the town screen.
However, when in the Order Citadel, and boosting processes, or sending rss (via the send resources button), there is no way to know how low one's inventory levels are getting - to make sure one stops in time to maintain an adequate supply of RSS for everything else.
Could one's inventory of rss and gold please be shown when in Building: Resource Warehouse / Resources tab, or upon send resources, and upon boosting?
When boosting, one's 'Personal Points' is displayed. Could one's Gold level also be shown there please?
Thanks for listening.