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Upgrading the Hero's equipment

Upgrading the Hero's equipment

Jan 15, 2021, 15:3001/15/21

Upgrading the Hero's equipment

Upgrading the Hero's equipment is another way to increase its stats. After a successful upgrade, the current equipment bonuses will increase, and, depending on the piece of equipment and its upgrade level, new bonuses can appear!

You can only upgrade certain pieces of legendary equipment and only by using legendary materials. If an upgrade is available, a special marker will appear on the equipment's icon in the Workshop.


To start the upgrade process, select a piece of equipment with a marker and hit the "Upgrade" button.


All the necessary components are placed in the relevant slots automatically. If you don't have the required equipment or materials, however, you won't be able to upgrade the equipment.

The upgrade may succeed, or it may fail.

There is a base probability of a successful outcome. It is shown in the upgrade window. Remember: the higher the equipment upgrade level, the lower the chance for success.


You can increase this probability by using the Empirite item, which can be obtained in the Dominion Ruins or purchased in the Dominion Store.


In the equipment upgrade window, you can choose how many Empirite items should be used. The more Empirite you use, the higher the chance for success. However, for higher upgrade levels, it is impossible to reach a 100% chance of success, even by using Empirite.


You can avoid using Empirite items and rely on just the base probability of success. To do so, remove the checkmark in the corresponding box or move the item selection slider to its minimum value. But remember: in this case, the probability that the upgrade will be successful will be lower and a positive outcome is not guaranteed.


If the upgrade fails, you lose the materials and equipment that were used as components, as well as any Empirite items that you applied. The equipment you were trying to upgrade is left as it is, and its upgrade level doesn't change.


Jan 16, 2021, 21:0301/16/21

whats maximum upgrades lvl ? if u do the post give us all info , u are the boss here , start doing the job right

Jan 18, 2021, 13:4101/18/21

whats maximum upgrades lvl ? if u do the post give us all info , u are the boss here , start doing the job right

Hello meskinux!

At the moment, there are 9 upgrade levels maximum. 🙂

Jan 19, 2021, 13:3701/19/21

My assailant legendary equipment no longer provides any reduction in stamina use since the new program began. Why? Likewise, my resource usage and other metrics no longer update without a refresh - is this the new normal?

Jan 21, 2021, 13:5801/21/21
JP 6

My assailant legendary equipment no longer provides any reduction in stamina use since the new program began. Why? Likewise, my resource usage and other metrics no longer update without a refresh - is this the new normal?

Hello zzzz! Please forward this request to our technical specialists through the "Ask a question" button by following the link:

Our specialists will surely assist you! 

Jan 23, 2021, 15:0501/23/21

Is there any information or charts indicating what each items upgrade bonuses would be?

For instance, having +20 items available to upgrade it sure would be nice to review what each of their bonuses are without painstakingly going through each one to determine what piece of equipment is most desired to upgrade.

Aug 18, 2021, 09:1008/18/21
Aug 19, 2021, 14:06(edited)

To start the upgrade process, select a piece of equipment with a marker and hit the "Upgrade" button. All the necessary components are placed in the relevant slots automatically. If you don't have the required equipment or materials, however, you won't be able to upgrade the equipment.

Sep 20, 2021, 23:2809/20/21

the upgrade button dont work

Sep 21, 2021, 08:0309/21/21

the upgrade button dont work

Hi Bor! Please forward this request to our technical specialists through the "Ask a question" button by following the link:

Our specialists will surely assist you🙌

Aug 28, 2022, 19:1908/28/22

Are there any forum charts / posts around listing the various equipment / upgrades / levels / costs, etc.?

There are some good ones for legendary jewel bonuses / creation - are there equipment upgrade equivalents somewhere?

Sep 26, 2022, 16:1309/26/22
Sep 29, 2022, 14:46(edited)

Is there any information or charts indicating what each items upgrade bonuses would be?

For instance, having +20 items available to upgrade it sure would be nice to review what each of their bonuses are without painstakingly going through each one to determine what piece of equipment is most desired to upgrade.

Found this one for Inquisitors:

Quick notes:

- Armor and shield upgrades increase March Headcount.

- Everything else increases March Speed.

- Neither applies to Ann (Castle) gear.

And this one for (Castle) Doghrish Grappler gear (THANK YOU UMBRA!):

- shows bonuses at each level. [Doesn't have cost to get there, though, unlike (Plarium's) above Inquisitor info. link.]

And it seems that is now updated to include the additional equipment levels:

- including the bonuses and requirements thereof.

- From that link you can even pick the bonuses you are looking for at that moment, and it will short list those equipment items that give it.

- click on any on the equipment items to go to a screen listing details.

- Note that only Doghrish and Whessian (battle) gear can be upgraded. (So no Amarian, rss, BST, gear, etc.)

Aug 17, 2023, 10:1408/17/23
Aug 18, 2023, 01:13(edited)

Thanks for the info. 

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