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Update: A new location – the Dominion, Boosts for increasing a Raid troop, and more.

Update: A new location – the Dominion, Boosts for increasing a Raid troop, and more.

Nov 1, 2018, 12:0411/01/18

Update: A new location – the Dominion, Boosts for increasing a Raid troop, and more.

Update: A new location – the Dominion, Boosts for increasing a Raid troop, and more.


- The Dominion island

Form an army and set out for the mysterious Dominion island. There you can take part in new Tournaments and fight against the Ancients – the Taurus Assailant and Cernunnos Apostate. For each attack you will get Coffers with riches. The stronger the hit, the more valuable the reward.

- The era-defining Conquest of the Dominion Tournament

The Rampart of the Emperor is at the center of the Dominion. The Lord who captures and holds this ancient fortress the longest becomes the Emperor and receives unique rewards and privileges. They include: special equipment, the ability to bestow Reputations upon Kingdoms, the right to select an Assailant for a week, and more.

- Boosts for increasing a Raid troop

Using these you can temporarily increase a Raid troop's headcount by 120% and 300%.


- Military reports have been improved. Now messages about battles for the Eternal Stronghold and Rampart of the Emperor contain data regarding the losses of the attackers and defenders, as well as detailed information about the battles.

- Convenient equipment crafting. Do you have a piece of equipment that is required for crafting but you don't want to lose it? Make one more piece by tapping the "Craft" button in the equipment crafting menu.

What will you do when you become Emperor? Let us know in the comments.

Nov 2, 2018, 17:0311/02/18
Thank you for returning the timer to the errand icon on the main screen.
Nov 3, 2018, 01:1011/03/18

You guys amaze me.    

Whatever you did, the game that WAS working just fine is now unplayable in firefox and chrome.   I have contacted you and now I am told I have a shitty internet connection or computer.    The same internet and computer that worked GREAT before your updates.

You are denying me service.   Service which I paid for.     American Express will charge back  EVERYTHING I have ever paid to you because you have taken away what I paid for!!

So long and thanks for being so incompetent
Nov 4, 2018, 00:3711/04/18
Nov 4, 2018, 00:52(edited)

I have the same problem on the browser but the problem solved, download plarium play on your PC to play, i think this is a better performance than the browser ;)

for those who play on PC and who plays on browser

"Plarium Play"  link download: Available for Windows 7 and above 

Nov 5, 2018, 04:2611/05/18
The new report feature no longer provides the order tag for opponent.  Especially during ovo it’s nice to know if opponent is enemy or just someone having fun.  Please add the order tags back in the next update 
Nov 24, 2018, 19:1211/24/18
I am level 25 and can hit lvl 3 Apostates easily but when I went over to Dominion to hit one my attack failed and said I need to have more studies done. Ok, like what studies need to be done?
Feb 16, 2019, 04:4002/16/19
Feb 16, 2019, 05:57(edited)

So - Dominion, Cerrunnos/Taurus, intervals?

Seem to be sitting around between appearances of the Ancients. Any way to know when? Even Old Faithful in Yellowstone has a period.
May 10, 2019, 18:0905/10/19

I do not see these  cernunnos anywhere - I see other players hitting something - but I can't see them. . .  any help available here ????

May 16, 2019, 10:0105/16/19
Refresh your game and you will see them.

captneo said:

I do not see these  cernunnos anywhere - I see other players hitting something - but I can't see them. . .  any help available here ????

Jan 15, 2021, 13:2601/15/21

So - Dominion, Cerrunnos/Taurus, intervals?

Seem to be sitting around between appearances of the Ancients. Any way to know when? Even Old Faithful in Yellowstone has a period.

Almost two years and no response. Sadly, I am not surprised.

Dec 17, 2021, 23:2412/17/21

I do not see these  cernunnos anywhere - I see other players hitting something - but I can't see them. . .  any help available here ????

You have to restart the game. 

May 7, 2022, 04:5605/07/22

Almost two years and no response. Sadly, I am not surprised.

And now, four years. Really? WTF? 

It's a simple question, and can't possibly be a 'state secret'.  How to know how long between Ancients? Even if Plarium isn't saying, somebody must have figured it out by now.

Aug 16, 2023, 03:0508/16/23
Aug 16, 2023, 03:06(edited)

The Rampart of the Emperor is at the center of the Dominion, and current location the player who captures and holds it the longest becomes the Emperor and receives unique rewards and privileges. 

Sep 12, 2023, 17:3209/12/23
Sep 12, 2023, 17:32(edited)

still unplayable for firefox and chrome for location where am i 

Feb 22, 2024, 02:0902/22/24
Feb 22, 2024, 02:10(edited)

I do not see these  Drift Boss  anywhere ??

Mar 8, 2024, 12:0803/08/24

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Sep 17, 2024, 03:5109/17/24

The Conquest of the Dominion Tournament has been introduced age of war, where th e player who captures and holds the Rampart of the Emperor the longest becomes the Emperor and receives unique rewards and privileges. 

Sep 23, 2024, 04:0009/23/24

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Oct 14, 2024, 02:4010/14/24

The Conquest of the Dominion Tournament is also intriguing; becoming Emperor and having the power to bestow Reputations upon Kingdoms will surely spark some fierce competition among contexto players. 

Oct 24, 2024, 14:1910/24/24

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