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Important: Forum feature updateImportant: Forum feature update

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Important: Forum feature update

Sep 21, 2018, 15:2509/21/18

Important: Forum feature update

Greetings, Lords!

We have recently been working to improve our Private Message feature. The new messenger will be more advanced and convenient. This update will result in some changes on the Forum, and we want you to be the first to know about them: 

1. Portal nicknames will replace Forum nicknames.  

2. Portal avatars will replace Forum avatars. 

3. The functionality of Private Messages will be improved. 

Due to this, your old messages, avatars, and nicknames will no longer be available. If you have anything important that you want to save, please make a copy of it before September 24. 

If you don't have a Plarium ID, then in order to use the new Private Messages system after the update, you will have to complete the registration procedure in your personal profile. 

You can check whether you have an active Plarium ID in your profile on the Forum:


If you don't have an active Plarium ID, you must complete the following steps: 

1. Go to your personal profile and select “Edit profile”.


2. Follow the link to complete your registration.


3. Enter your email address and password on the page that opens.


4. Follow the profile confirmation link that you receive via email. 

We look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions for improving this feature.

Sep 24, 2018, 07:4109/24/18

WWO said:

Edit: Ur ... could you please confirm that it is only -private- messages, etc, that will no longer be available?

Hi, WWO! 

Yes, just only private messages will be deleted, because of functional improvements. And all will be okay with your comments on the forum.

Have a nice day!
Sep 26, 2018, 01:4509/26/18

It seems I have no PlariumPortalId per the graphic.

My email address has long been registered. When I Edit Profile I see no verify email request.

If I edit my email address and click save, without change, it knows that and refuses.

If I repeat my email address and click save, it knows it is the same address, and refuses.

How can I carry out the steps you require?


Also, where is the ability to upload a custom avatar, when one 'Click here to select your avatar'?

May 29, 2024, 04:5405/29/24

Here are a few thoughts and questions from our side:

Portal Nicknames and Avatars: The switch to Portal nicknames and avatars sounds promising. Will there be any options for customizing or personalizing these avatars and nicknames further on the Portal?

Improved Functionality: We're excited about the improved Private Message functionality. Can you provide more details on what specific enhancements we can expect?

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Jul 10, 2024, 16:0907/10/24


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