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negative points on ganing Power

negative points on ganing Power

Apr 20, 2021, 00:1904/20/21

negative points on ganing Power

My order in k88 hope 

Lady katrina got - 2 m points in Power turnament that is Negative points ??

Do U have an owerflow bug on singd 32 bit interger ??

So if java Do  unsigned long int eg 32bit

or use 64 bit int

It seems like we have Plese fix it and get koreckt point awarded 

My best and thanx for a fun game 

Apr 20, 2021, 06:2104/20/21

Hi Busan!

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Apr 20, 2021, 16:3704/20/21

> negative points on ganing Power

> My order in k88 hope 

> Lady katrina got - 2 m points in Power turnament that is Negative points ??

None of the below.

> Do U have an owerflow bug on singd 32 bit interger ??

> So if java Do  unsigned long int eg 32bit

> or use 64 bit int

> negative points on ganing Power

Is normal. There is nothing to fix, nor points to be awarded.

> It seems like we have Plese fix it and get koreckt point awarded 

If you destroy buildings during event, your points go negative. This is normal, and a part of the game.

So ... only build during events, don't destroy buildings.

(Not much different than the other side gaining points for killing your troops. There, you don't lose points, but they gain. Destroying buildings does the reverse. Normal and part of the game.)