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Farming: Yield vs. Capacity

Farming: Yield vs. Capacity

Feb 5, 2021, 09:1302/05/21

Farming: Yield vs. Capacity

See also: Determine the size of troops for farming (by duration and quantity) 

Wheter is better for farming focusing on yield (rate) or (troops march) capacity?

The answer is probably as expected: 

It doesn't matter much (under the aspect that usually many marches are sent) except for the first march only, which can be quite interesting under certain circumstances, and since there is always a first march (with hero and inquisitor) to consider to get more resources... 

The "relatively small" benefit of an optimized first march with hero and inquisitor becomes less important as the number of sent marches increases. While farming boost and general bonuses will have a big effect over all (there are no boosts for capacity). However, optimizing the first march can be decisive in individual cases, and is a good and noticeable addition when using many marches and general farming boosts. 

And last but not least, this comparison of Yield Rate versus Troops Capacity is somewhat abstract. It makes sense to consider capacity in a yield-oriented hero profile as well, which, conversely, seems less appropriate to consider yield rate in a capacity profile (or setup) because its main purpose is not to farm but to plunder/loot cities. 

Regarding Farming Tiles (means "yield by troops from resource locations" and NOT resource production of your city or plundering other cities!): 

  • Go for capacity if you have to yield big quantities (i.e. Level 7-9 large Camps) and you can't resend troops repeatedly; suitable for off-line farming with open end. Depending on the situation, missing capacity of troops can be compensated by the quantity of troops on the march or by using troops with higher tier level. ...And important but neglected in this thread, a good capacity Setup/Hero Profile can help a lot on plundering resource-rich cities for what capacity really matters. 
  • else go for yield to get a higher yield rate and yield more in shorter cycles; suitable for active repetitive farming and farming during limited time (i.e. Save Conduct 1 h or 3 h). Remember to activate boosts before sending troops, they will have great influence (even they expire while troops are still farming, their bonus will be applied until troops returns). 


I played around with my hero profiles in a Assailant Camp for Wood on Level 6 to get an impression about the efficiency by using different profiles. 

The Capacity profile was well optimized for capacity, not for yielding. So the data shows not a maximized situation and the performance could be increased for both profiles as well as the used Inquisitor (Adrian) setup. 

What the chart is telling?

Chart 1 shows absolute values, chart 2 same values with percentage. And 1st march means march with Hero and Inquisitor. 

Row 2: Yielding with Capacity Hero Profile gets most resources in one longer cycle. But the rate (efficiency) will be 57 % only compared to the Yield Profile (row 1). 

Row 1: Yielding with Yield Hero Profile results in a shorter cycle with high efficiency but smaller quantity over all. The efficiency is nearly twice as high compared to the capacity profile, (almost double amount of resources per second than row 2). 

Row 3: Yielding with Troops only has a low efficiency (less / slow), about 41.3 % resources per second compared to farming by Hero with Yield Profile and Inquisitor Adrian (about two and a half marches without hero/inqui will do same as row 1). 

For lists with best gear (En, De), klick or scroll down   

Feb 5, 2021, 19:1302/05/21
Feb 10, 2021, 06:50(edited)

To add to Umbra's OP:

['Farming: Yield vs. Capacity' is a hopelessly convoluted and endless question every player must struggle with and find their own comfort zone. Thanks Umbra, for adding some clarity to these very murky and inter-related waters. Reader - do correctly track: farming (being a), vs yielding, vs yield rate, vs (troop/yield) capacity.]

You will have different needs at different times. Thus you have hero profiles - herein, an 'RSS Production' profile, and ultimately, an 'RSS yield' profile.

You will always have a need for RSS, and are likely a farm - if not for your main, then for your alt. Thus, on this topic, first maximize your RSS production rate and (town) capacity. Then move on to yield rate, then capacity.

  • Keep an eye on your max. RSS capacity, via Palace / Statistics / Economy / <RSS type> / <RSS tile> capacity - your farms stop generating when they reach this capacity, so make sure to regularly send that RSS from your farm. (Build up your goodwill with your smalls - you will need them later, and they will do like in their turn.)

You will want to consume Umbra's for 1h SC (Safe Conduct) use.


  • remember your +75% Resource Yielding Speed Boost.
  • - 1h12 or 1h22 vs < 1h matters (SC).
  • capacity is much less important than yield rate. One can almost always send more troops. < n6, differences are immaterial. (Delta has no particular impact - you won't win an event or cross an extra checkpoint, just because you have a slightly better capacity. vs sending another march.)
  • - exceptions are only yielding n9 tiles with certain types of n6 troops. With n7 gtg.
  • hero profile, and inquisitor, equipment, and gems ONLY apply to marches they are on. Usually the first march only; the hero also joins a 2nd march if the Hero's Double bonus is active.
  • If in a yielding posture ['cause your Order mates are in an Alpha killing posture], use Adrian.
  • typically, the inquisitor only adds capacity, not rate. [Inq. on a march, vs not.] So, you can yield more when using the Inquisitor, but yield time will be much longer (as will the amount yielded). If you are using SCs (Safe Conducts), be prepared to adjust accordingly.
  • the higher the troop level, the higher the capacity - capacity bonuses may not be needed, even on the 2nd and subsequent marches.
  • - so, it is not unreasonable to unlock n6 or n7 troops but not worry about their bonuses until you get that far. They can be used to yield n8 or n9 tiles in the mean time.
  • -- note though, that such getting killed loses points faster - mind your shields.
  • - you want to entirely yield tiles. There are bonuses for doing so, and doing so allows the tile to regenerate so you can yield further.
  • there are townscapes and achievements to be had for yielding. If your k has won KvK4, focus on clearing out the n9 tiles (to this end), before your enemy does. During OvO you can decisively win the Assailant / yield category for your Order if you focus intently upon yielding until such tiles are gone - which k they are in doesn't matter (unless they are in both); if you don't focus on this, you can trust that your enemy is doing so. Whomever gets the most will win the category. If you don't - you will likely lose your OvO. [If you are reading this guide / focused on tile farming / assailant killing.] Coordinate within your Order, and use order chat.
  • in the end, because equipment and jewels only matter for the first march, neither are ultimately significant. Studies and bonuses, that apply to all marches, are much more so.


  • use the best you have on hand at the time.
  • don't craft anything less than Legendary - you will be playing long past the delay required to accumulate the necessary material.
  • - ware though ... LH needs jewels to be fused to Legendary - so dont' fuse jewels to legendary until you actually need them, until you have maxed out LH. Use for gem dust after you have your LH.
  • - this new achievement pulled this on us. May want to consider same for material (don't fuse until needed) - just in case.
  • -- Tibboh  rings are an example of this. Legendary aren't needed for this (Silver rings = bronze, granite, wood) - if you've already fused them, you may run out before you're done. And be left without needed materials you had, on future crafting.
  • RSS production rates are all greater than your Silver production rate. When ready for runes, focus on Silver. [RSS production and yield rates, fastest to slowest: Food, Lumber & Stone, Iron, Silver, 'Gold' (tiles).]
  • if you're going to have / use a piece of equipment in the future, can use it here in the mean time as well. e.g. Amarian Knight Helmet for Studying.
  • the best equipment isn't always from the Arsenal - can work on those first. e.g. Jericho Cap for Helmet.
  • - For production, change: boosts to Silver Collection, Item Quality to 6 (for simpler result page), Slot to each one as you consider each slot.
  • - For yield rate, change: boosts to Resource Yield, Item Quality to 6 (for simpler result page), Slot to each one as you consider each slot.
  • - For capacity, change: boosts to Capacity, Item Quality to 6 (for simpler result page), Slot to each one as you consider each slot.

Different needs at different times:

  • most of the time you are looking for maximum rss production.
  • most of your yield time you are looking for maximum capacity, as you are starting yields between events and are safe, so it doesn't matter how long it takes - you are walking away and getting on with your IRL.
  • with n7 troops, and most n6, you already have sufficient capacity - focus on yield rate, if you're going to.
  • After winning KvK4, your k must zero all tiles before the next OvO, or most of the orders in your k will lose their OvO. Especially for n9 tiles, doing so will help you accomplish achievements and townscapes - 18 marches x max tile yield adds up.
  • -- one player can focus on killing Alpha's, while another focuses on yielding them (with SCs). When all your marches are out, swap focus with your order mate - you kill while they yield. [Your first march, with Hero & Inq., will usually have come back by then - letting you attack, by then.]
  • - hoard your SCs (Safe Conducts) to this end.
  • Yield points matter more than ever in OvO. Always having at least one march out, with Hero & Inquisitor, is lucrative. Note that with yield rate and/or capacity bonuses, you can often get certain tile type totals yieldings to happen under 1h (and thus, within a single 1h SC).
  • - Focus on Silver for points, food for speed. Usually you are just going to walk away from the game, so how long it takes, as long as it is under your 1h SC doesn't much matter. A 37m yield time, and a 54m yield time, are the same from your time and expense perspective, so choose the most lucrative one.
  • Being in your Citadel Valley when sending out yield marches can offer as much as +20% yield rate, vs being outside your Citadel Valley.
  • Stats are no longer showing same when in Citadel Valley and are jumped to the ek.

Other points to incorporate into this add-on to OP guide, welcome.


Feb 5, 2021, 21:4702/05/21
Feb 6, 2021, 15:27(edited)

The best gear and enhancements for yield rate and capacity are... 



Note the grey bar on chart top: Lvl/L = Hero/Inqui Level; T: ✔️ = Top Item, X = Top Slot Item, Manufacturing columns right side: M = Material/Items; A = Arsenal reusable, component for no. of arsenal gear).

Name with asterisk* = gear of assailants

Colors: blue = amarian, grey = whessian, doghrisch

S = Slot: 

  • En: A...E = 1...5 for Weapon, Helmet, Cheast, Shield, Talisman
  • or En (Inqui): Initials for Weapon, Helmet, Cheast, Shield, Talisman
  • De: S = Initialen für Waffe, Helm, Rüstung, Schild, Glücksbringer

Note: Sorry for confusion, first I used initials for slots wich didn't work on certain languages and I had to change to A, B, C...


Hero - Equipment best list (En, De)







Inquisitor - Equipment best list (En, De)







Gear enhancements, see more: Apostates profiles (multilingual) and Assailants Jewels tab  

Runes - for yield rate and capacity (En) 

