Resource Yielding and Capacity - Roadmap.
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Posts duplicated below for quick reference.
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Copy, as at 8/28/20 13:45, for quick reference.
With such numbers in hand, one can look for likely tiles to be entirely yielded within a 1h or 3h safe conduct (or multiples thereof).
- including, (safely) yielding in small amounts until the desired threshold is reached. (To then yield the entire tile in one pass / safe conduct application.)
Why this matters:
Townscape - Fort of the Seeker:
Achievement - Hard Worker:
- Yield 1.55, 1.6, 1.55, 1.6, 1.65, 1.95, 3, 5, 10.5 B = 30B
Order Vs Order Events - point changes mean yielding now matters almost as much as killing Alphas. For all but the highers orders, the Yielding category has become a must win. One order member kills Alphas, other yield-optimized members yield the tile under safe conduct.
March limited factors:
- Affect Hero or Inquisitor only, so have no effect when not present on that march.
- i.e. Bonuses typically affect first march only, as both Hero and Inquisitor are sent. If they are not sent together, or the Hero's Double is present, their marches also receive their corresponding bonuses - albeit totaling less than if they were sent together.
Other factors (all marches):
* VIP is arguably the most impactful item, affecting all marches and bringing significant other benefits, yet is also the most expensive. All Errands Autocomplete is a significant playing time saver, all present by n28, however the higher levels, such as Multiple Refreshing and Accomplishment of Errands, starting at n31, require multiple VIP US$19.99 packs to be purchased. To max. out VIP will require many US$100's of $.
Fact file about farming a single type of resource - includes resource production:
It seems to me I saw a forum or FB post noting all the ways one can improve their capacity and/or yield rates, much like does for march headcount. I can't find it now - if someone comes across it, please add a note here and I'll update the above.
Copy, as at 8/28/20 13:45, for quick reference.
Yes, complete Alpha tile yields in under an hour, are quite normal.
If you can't, yet, don't despair, as you grow in the game you will be able to, too.
- so can contribute better to your mates in OvO. Not only kill Alphas, but yield the resulting camps under 1h safe conduct as well.
Remember that RSS yields, and tile volume:
Preliminary Data, if possible - size of camp to be yielded. e.g.
Alpha camps:
Simple way to figure out how many troops to send / how long it will take
- per hour (/ safe conduct)
- to totally yield tile
1. Send test yield of, say, 10,000 troops. (Make sure not enough to entirely yield the tile. See *1 above.)
2. Send troops to capture the tile. Immediately re-open the tile - so you can see the total duration that number of troops takes, as soon as they arrive.
3. Note the time shown as soon as the display changes from capture to capturing. e.g.
4a. Troops to send per hour (of safe conduct): # test troops / time in hours = troops per hour (safe conduct)
e.g. 10,000 / (43/60+5) = troops per minute, 10,000 / 5.716..., ~1,749.271... --> x 60 = troops per safe conduct hour --> ~104,956
4b. Time it will take to totally yield tile: max tile size / test max yield x time in minutes
e.g. 2,200,000 [Alpha #'s, above] / 239,400 * 5.716... (above) --> ~53m
4c. Troops to send to entirely yield the tile: max tile size / test max yield x # test troops
e.g. 2,200,000 [Alpha #'s, above] / 239,400 * 10,000 --> ~91,896
- more troops totaling a capacity larger than is on the tile brings no benefit. If you are trying to maximize your total (across all your marches) yield capacity for your limited number of troops, you will want to save as many troops as you can to use on your next march.
- you may want to note this RSS per troop value, to assist in your initial guesstimates, going forwards.
Bear in mind rounding error - you may want to send a little less. (Note the tile type and how much you sent. Make small adjustments accordingly your next round.)
- you can always note the capacity of 1 troop, in capture window, but the ceiling() rounded value x thousands of troops error does get quite gross. (Gross as in value, not as in eeewww!)