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Apostates and their runes regarding boosts

Apostates and their runes regarding boosts

Jan 17, 2019, 10:2701/17/19

Apostates and their runes regarding boosts

Dear throne players, 

I believe that you are already familiar with the existing tables that show apostates and associated runes, with boosts enhancing the particular effect of the corresponding Hero's and Inquisitor's equipment. 

Below this notes are another two table reviews, but this time these tables displays boosts with regard to Apostate's runes and Apostate's runes with regard to boosts and how much their greatest improvement in effect is in%. 

I hope that are will be useful to you and that you will succeed in improvement your power with them. 

Player: Jordan S from JaWS order in Zent-Beald Kingdom (65) 

User ID: 2981731 

Feb 5, 2019, 14:4202/05/19
Very nice. Thank you. It is appreciated.
Jun 2, 2023, 21:1206/02/23
Jun 2, 2023, 21:13(edited)

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Oct 11, 2024, 07:1510/11/24

I believe you are already familiar with the existing tables that show Apostates and their associated runes, along with the boosts that enhance the effects of the corresponding Hero's and Papa's Games equipment. 

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