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hero attack bonus and hero double. Where ????

hero attack bonus and hero double. Where ????

Sep 1, 2017, 00:1009/01/17

hero attack bonus and hero double. Where ????

As title, many said they were buying it in the item shop. I myself do not see them. I looked in bonus on the right as well.

Any help ? Thx
Sep 1, 2017, 00:1509/01/17
The shop, yes - but the currency is $, not gold.
Sep 1, 2017, 00:2609/01/17
thank you for your quick reply! :)
Sep 1, 2017, 13:1109/01/17

Test said:

The shop, yes - but the currency is $, not gold.

I would like to have them in my shop for the gold

Sep 1, 2017, 13:1209/01/17

Your_Darkness_Queen said:

I would like to have them in my shop for the gold

Especially, hero's double.

Sep 1, 2017, 16:3509/01/17
Sep 1, 2017, 16:41(edited)

Some things are available only for $ (as part of Bank Offers) and not for gold. Here is a list:

  • Hero's Double, Hired Craftsman, Hired Scholar. Out of the three the Double is just most useful.
    All 3 are less useful than it would seem.
    Without an order, the latter 2 have no benefit over a single (1w+the non-boosted-time of shorter-last-initiated-action with them) time boost. Obviously, chain-usage of several Hired Craft/Scholar is a mistake (making that 1week into 2 consecutive weeks by using 2 of them together).
  • Hero's Offenses +20%.
  • Study/Construction Speed +30% for 30min. You have a common event rewards of +10%, and a more rare event rewards of +20% that last for 1hour.
  • Townscapes that are not Villain's Adobe (which is a pretty good one in itself). As event rewards you rarely get Hawk's Nest, or Tower of Triumph from OvO (which is the best Townscape in the game, and lasts only 5d as opposed to 1w of the others). ToT is not available for $.

There may be 1 or 2 things I've missed, but everything else can be bought for gold (assuming you have enough of it) as well.