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shop items

Apr 20, 2021, 23:4204/20/21

shop items

I have a question about shop items. My friend and I are getting back into the game and we were going to spend some money but noticed the shops on our separate accounts had different items. Is the difference because of the power levels, our palace levels, or just random? Thanks

Apr 21, 2021, 06:2704/21/21

Hi Professor! 

Please note that all packages in the Bank are offered individually for players. The selection is carried out automatically and it solely depends on the player's gaming habits. Unfortunately, there is no way we can influence this process. Please be patient, and you will definitely find the offer you want. Also don't miss the opportunity of buying our sales packs that come around in the Bank. 

I wish you glorious victories🤗

Apr 21, 2021, 16:5604/21/21

Pack value per $ increases with palace level, acting much like tournament leagues.

e.g. At palace 31 I was seeing gold offers of 160M. Same offer at palace 35 is 200M gold.

And, pack values increase (to US$19.99) over the cheaper packs. (You're going to need gold, stamina, faith, crystals, shards, silver, rss ... may as well pay it up front and get the most value. )[Soon enough you won't need stamina, faith, crystals, shards - just the occasional silver and rss, and always, gold.]

Watch, for example, the gold pack level. Once you buy (and buy everything you're going to, that day), the values drop the next day. e.g. 160M gp pack is gone in favour of a miserly substitute. Wait 30 days, then rinse, repeat.

Ware the MHIMC (My House Is My Castle) offers: at p31 they seem a worthy deal. After p31 multiple MHIMC packs are offered, with contents split out. [Recently, similar (battle pack)  offers have now started appearing again.]  Just have an eye. e.g. 



