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OvO opponent to Big

OvO opponent to Big

Sep 29, 2019, 09:5809/29/19

OvO opponent to Big

Hello why we TlBBS 450B power has an OvO Opponent with 2500B Power?

TlBBS is in League one, but our OvO Opponent in King League!!! that is not Seriös!

Ps: When we win we have 400M per RSS, but when enemy win, he win 10B per RSS and he had not much to do!!!

We must pay 1000 of Dollars, and win nothing as 400M per RSS????

Plarium what you think from your Members, we are all Idiots??
Sep 29, 2019, 23:3509/29/19

You're not going to get a real answer unless you pose your question via Menu / Help.

Anything here is speculation, as it is only a Community support forum, not a Plarium one. [Plarium drops information here, but never responds to questions about the material it gives.]
Sep 30, 2019, 05:1909/30/19
Sep 30, 2019, 05:21(edited)

powergehn said:

Hello why we TlBBS 450B power has an OvO Opponent with 2500B Power?

TlBBS is in League one, but our OvO Opponent in King League!!! that is not Seriös!

Ps: When we win we have 400M per RSS, but when enemy win, he win 10B per RSS and he had not much to do!!!

We must pay 1000 of Dollars, and win nothing as 400M per RSS????

Plarium what you think from your Members, we are all Idiots??


We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions. 

The distribution across Leagues depends on the Tournament type. The selection in Personal Tournaments is determined by the level of the player's Town and in the case of Special and Worldwide ones - by the Order's Influence.

Below you can find the criteria of Leagues distribution which are relevant at the moment. Please note that the specified criteria may be changed at any moment without notice in order to maintain balance in the game.

Personal Competitions and personal achievements for worldwide Tournaments:

  • Sixth League: 1-12 levels of the Palace.
  • Fifth League: 13-18 levels of the Palace.
  • Fourth League: 19-21 levels of the Palace.
  • Third League: 22-24 levels of the Palace.
  • Second League: 25-26 levels of the Palace.
  • First League: 27-31 levels of the Palace.
  • Royal League: 32-25 levels of the Palace.

Special Tournaments, the Orders War, the Kingdoms War: Retribution:

  • Sixth League: 0 - 5 000 000 of Power points.
  • Fifth League: 5 000 001 - 50 000 000 of Power points.
  • Fourth League: 50 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 of Power points.
  • Third League: 1 000 000 001 - 5 000 000 000 of Power points.
  • Second League: 5 000 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 of Power points.
  • First League: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 of Power points.
  • Royal League: 1 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

The Orders War Tournament:

  • Sixth League: 5 000 000 - 25 000 000 Power points.
  • Fifth League: 25 000 001 - 250 000 000 Power points.
  • Fourth League: 250 000 001 - 3 000 000 000 Power points.
  • Third League: 3 000 000 001 - 7 500 000 000 Power points.
  • Second League: 7 500 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 Power points.
  • First League: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 Power points.
  • Royal League: 1 000 000 000 001 Power points and higher.

If you have any more questions, we will be happy to help.

Have a nice day!

Sep 30, 2019, 16:2309/30/19
our answer is the Deal with the Big order, both we are pay in this 2 Days nothing, so Plarium can Learn what is Fair or not!!!
Oct 1, 2019, 02:2210/01/19

powergehn said:

our answer is the Deal with the Big order, both we are pay in this 2 Days nothing, so Plarium can Learn what is Fair or not!!!

Hello powergehn. Your message has not translated very well into English. Could you rephrase, or have someone else do so?

As it stands ... I have no idea what you are suggesting.

@Roger - thank you for the excellent details!

However ... what is 'influence'?

(I understand it's a Vikings term - could you make your post into a game database post, revised for Throne? It is good info.)