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Get Throne: Kingdom At War
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Jun 19, 2018, 07:0806/19/18


Would someone please be so kind as to direct me the candles for the inquisitor, I have searched high and low and yes I have checked the bank numerous times and to no avail, Have I missed something? I spent the better part of an hour going through what I believe to look through. 

It can be frustrating when you are starting out and stumbling over your own feet, any help would be appreciated 


Jun 19, 2018, 08:2606/19/18

Hi, Sara. What kind of Inquisitor exactly are you interested in?

Jun 19, 2018, 09:1006/19/18

Hi Jake  

Well I happen to have Adrian Architect, he kinda liked it here and asked if he could stay (sorry), anyway, I just can not find candles to help bring this guy up or to summon his buddies, will I have to make my own or is there a vendor nearby?? Ok sorry I  will behave 


Jun 19, 2018, 09:2806/19/18

Oh and Jake 

If I got what you asked me wrong, do forgive me,  I have no idea of how many kinds there are, at least not yet!!

Jun 19, 2018, 12:4806/19/18

Hey Jake:

All is well, I guess the bank takes requests??

Thanks for coming to my aid.

Jun 21, 2018, 12:1706/21/18

Hi Sara,

You can also purchase candles with order points from the order store for Adrian.
Jul 1, 2018, 00:3207/01/18
I have a candle in my Items. It says I cannot apply it from there. I go to Adrian's little house, and I can't apply it from there either. How do I apply/use/consume my Adrian candle to improve his Dignity?
Jul 1, 2018, 17:4407/01/18
Jul 1, 2018, 22:02(edited)
You need to open your Inquisitor inventory ( place where you equip gear ), and you will find in the bottom how many candles you have and how many you need to upgrade your dignity !!! Good luck 
Jul 4, 2018, 16:2107/04/18

(Lost what I had typed, so ...)

Candles lie there like a stone until you can and do make use of them. You can only make use of them when you can upgrade dignity. (Until you have enough they're like bumps on a log.)

Adrian's candles come from the Order Store, Sixtus, Marc, and Vigo's from Bank Offers.

Get Personal (Order) Points by running Special Errands. [You can get several hundred errands in Bank Offers.] ONLY 12,500 Personal (Order) Points per candle, and ONLY, for example, 400 such needed to upgrade Dignity. And that's for the low levels.

Open your Inquisitor and look at the circle in the bottom. It will be obvious when you can upgrade your dignity. Click in the circle.

For example (on when dignity can't be upgraded):

Oct 8, 2018, 06:4110/08/18
So you need 25 candles to upgrade the dignity?.. It shows I have 1 out of 25 in the inventory.
Oct 8, 2018, 17:2510/08/18
I wish I know myself.  The game is not in anyway specific about how to do things and the FAQ is VERY general with no real help
Oct 24, 2018, 13:5110/24/18

I guess this is as good a place as any to post a related question.

The other day, I somehow earned like 433k(!) personal order points - (don't know what I might have done to earn them) - in about 2 hours.  This bought me the first batch of 25 candles which I used to increase my inquisitor's dignity, then spent the rest on another 25 candles which aren't enough

to do another upgrade.  The only thing I remember doing different that day, was attacking and winning against 4 different members of another order, since I thought order-wars was about doing that.  Anyone know if that's what lead to my order points windfall?
Nov 1, 2018, 15:4811/01/18
The only thing you doing that day was ERRANDS . Good luck