Battlegrounds : current consistent overbanking issue
I have noticed the last 3 to 4 months on s1 and more extreme on s2 that you need to overbank quite a lot. To give you an exemple on bg 156 , you need to bank around 162kk , but the system refuses a payout on whatever bg (even the smallest) unless you bank in 285kk !!! Round after round , no way you'd come away with it. Now this might occassionally happen, after a few rounds you d might recover from it. I was being patient and trying too see if the problem is settled days after or in another bg PvP but to my frustration the system is unaware of the enormeous banked in value and the sacrifices are lost forever . I presume , the system is unaware of all the exchanges that took place and therefore my sacrifices are lost , gone up in smoke.
We were always taught that nothing was ever lost and sooner or later yoù'd get it back. This is no longer the case. Somehow not all operations account anymore. I see that switching the game with another app while you run to a bg, causes your raid on a bg to no longer report , unless you restart the game or force to switch units to or from tbe catacombs or some other operation that forces a resynchronisation. Does the game/the bg part continue disconnected and causes a non registered server disconnected attack causing to loose units without them accounting to your banked in value ? This is what I suspect or occasionally does happen. Or is the server overloaded or does the database end up in some deadlock issue ? Pass it on to the developpers for confirmation. Raid a bg and while your units run, swap the game with some other app and you'll see it is 100% reproduceable. The attack despite it took place, doesn't end up in your local report and I am at doubt when forcing a synchronisations, bzck reports you shold havee been granted a payout. But it might be caused by other problems. Its just an observation though.
It would be great if the developpers could confirm thay I am way overbanked or not querying my account.
I play e game for 4 years and consider myself as a true bg master.
X -89 Y 35 is my account on s2