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Dec 19, 2017, 15:5112/19/17


I have been playing this game for at least 721 days. (Paragon run)

We need to discuss beacons and the direction of the game. At one point, it was a game based on beacons. DE was valuable and beacons were hard targets to take down. Now beacons are one of the easiest places to get pvp and most folks don't see the value in holding them / leveling them above default.

Defenders do NOT get a commensurate amount of EXP / tournament points compared to losses. Even if you defend a beacon solo, it seems you get less when you add up the total losses vs exp.

The rewards for holding beacons are no longer worth the losses. This is evidenced by the map being almost entirely level 1 beacons. The number 1 and 2 leagues have 3 leveled (above1) but that wont last.

This may be by design I suppose but it really seem to be some type of oversight or mistake in game design. Everyone can and does attack beacons, they shouldn't be the 2nd easiest pvp in the game. So I think that the folks who defend beacons should have some advantage or at least make it worth the effort.

Suggestions that may help:

1.) All defenders get a minimum amount of experience / tournament points per hit.

2.) All defenders get exp / tournament points based on their losses.

These first two would make them a better place for pvp, you would see more leveled up.

3.) Level 5 beacons give some benefit to the league as a whole like forts. Perhaps every level 5 fort gave the entire leave 25% bonus everywhere, not just in the beacon.

4.) No food consumption for the defense in beacons.

5.) Less beacons perhaps, remove 50,60% or more from the map.

The bottom line is either beacons need to be a better place for defenders to get PVP or the value of the beacons needs to be increased. One or the other or both. If not perhaps let us in on your plans for the game so we can adjust and formulate our new strategies.

Dec 20, 2017, 07:5012/20/17

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

We have gathered all players' suggestions for the Beacons and it will be passed to the team. Also, we have plans to improve this feature in the future to make it more interesting for old and new players.

Since devs are working on a huge feature now which we'll be added at the beginning of the next year, unfortunately, we can't work on improvements for Beacons right now. 

Dec 20, 2017, 14:0512/20/17
Please let us know soon as posible that the new things for the beacons will be.
Dec 21, 2017, 15:1712/21/17

When I mentioned some of my ideas to the VIP rep, they stated that it would throw the game out of balance.

If the game was in balance, 99% of beacons would NOT be level 1.

If the game was in balance there wouldn't be so many leagues with no interest in beacons, targeting them for easy PVP.

The only way to fix this is to strengthen beacons, not so they are ridiculous like fort, but so all of the defenders get experience at minimum. Even that won't be quite enough, they need to be tough to take down, not just easy to take down.

Dec 26, 2017, 14:5812/26/17
Sheranius said:

Please let us know soon as posible that the new things for the beacons will be.
Once I get the news, I'll share it on forum, my Lord. 
Dec 26, 2017, 16:1012/26/17
Travesty ULS said:

When I mentioned some of my ideas to the VIP rep, they stated that it would throw the game out of balance.

If the game was in balance, 99% of beacons would NOT be level 1.

If the game was in balance there wouldn't be so many leagues with no interest in beacons, targeting them for easy PVP.

The only way to fix this is to strengthen beacons, not so they are ridiculous like fort, but so all of the defenders get experience at minimum. Even that won't be quite enough, they need to be tough to take down, not just easy to take down.

Hello, my Lord! As I said before, we have gathered the feedback and suggestions to the team. If you have any ideas how to improve this feature, please share them with us. Thank you! 
Dec 28, 2017, 16:1612/28/17
Dec 28, 2017, 17:04(edited)

I think the way to go is in incremental small changes to see how balance and behavior changes with each one.

Start with giving all defenders exp  to make their losses worthwhile. A minimum xp / something that gives the defense a comparative amount of xp to what they would get if they lost a similar amount of power attacking the beacon.

Then start increasing the defensive bonus from a level 5 beacons until people start leveling them to 5.

The biggest issue is that so many different folks that have no desire to hold beacons hit them from easy pvp. It shouldn't be so easy if your league or alliance is very weak to just take your ball and go home / screw with folks.

It should be a SERIOUS disadvantage to not hold beacons. Not just in the beacons, but with everything that happens in the game. Having a level 5 beacon be a huge boon to a league. Not a hinderance.

Jul 10, 2018, 22:1007/10/18
Jul 10, 2018, 23:48(edited)

I suggested to lower the ressources to be uploaded to lvl the beacons. This does not alter the force  balance in any aspect. It just makes it more appealing to have a beacon.

Currently -50% ressource uploads came in the mean time,  which is great, as it meets my initial suggestion. Its a great improvement as it favours smaller players with less ressource storage capabilities to still contribute to the process of leveling a beacon.

Another suggestion is to lower the number of uploads, e.g 50 instead of 100. This would even more favour smaller leagues to contribute to the beacon leveling process as due to the member limit, one quickly faces lack of presence initially to actually complete the beacon leveling process. This is all to disturbing if a league minority wants to have some fun with a beacon or if the league is rather low in membership.

As to the darkessence, a suggestion would be to darken forces already at lvl 1 (+inf), at lvl 2 (+spies), at level 3 (+kav) , at level 4 (+Okk) at level 5 (+Best). The frequency of balurs visits is to be increased proportionally with the def value stored inside.

All of these could be a modest attempt to regain the interest in having beacons,even the ones @lvl1 , as really too much beacons are lvl1 nowadays , with less of a fight as in the old days, where they used to be 'owned' by leagues or alliances on the other extreme end.

On the other hand, for me Balur troops may even take beacons gradually back , if deff worth is not over some minimum threshold eg. 250k, as to clear those lvl 1 owned low defended beacons just being a waste of everyones time and rewarding such a league with a higher ranking for no particular reason.

I don't see why the restriction of fireballs applies to beacons. Just allow them as a compensation for the extra darkessence and less ressource uploads required .


Jul 11, 2018, 06:0707/11/18
Jul 11, 2018, 06:08(edited)

Mancunian said:

    I suggested to lower the ressources to be uploaded to lvl the beacons. This does not alter the force  balance in any aspect. It just makes it more appealing to have a beacon.

    Currently -50% ressource uploads came in the mean time,  which is great, as it meets my initial suggestion. Its a great improvement as it favours smaller players with less ressource storage capabilities to still contribute to the process of leveling a beacon.

    Another suggestion is to lower the number of uploads, e.g 50 instead of 100. This would even more favour smaller leagues to contribute to the beacon leveling process as due to the member limit, one quickly faces lack of presence initially to actually complete the beacon leveling process. This is all to disturbing if a league minority wants to have some fun with a beacon or if the league is rather low in membership.

    As to the darkessence, a suggestion would be to darken forces already at lvl 1 (+inf), at lvl 2 (+spies), at level 3 (+kav) , at level 4 (+Okk) at level 5 (+Best). The frequency of balurs visits is to be increased proportionally with the def value stored inside.

    All of these could be a modest attempt to regain the interest in having beacons,even the ones @lvl1 , as really too much beacons are lvl1 nowadays , with less of a fight as in the old days, where they used to be 'owned' by leagues or alliances on the other extreme end.

    On the other hand, for me Balur troops may even take beacons gradually back , if deff worth is not over some minimum threshold eg. 250k, as to clear those lvl 1 owned low defended beacons just being a waste of everyones time and rewarding such a league with a higher ranking for no particular reason.

    I don't see why the restriction of fireballs applies to beacons. Just allow them as a compensation for the extra darkessence and less ressource uploads required .


Thank you for your suggestion it will be passed on to the team for them to consider.

I personally don't want to see fireballs on forts and beacons, it won't be any good.

Jul 11, 2018, 17:0807/11/18
Interesting ideas ;)

Im also against fireball at fortess or beacons...

And i wish to get more pvp point defending beacons :D
Aug 22, 2018, 19:0708/22/18
Aug 22, 2018, 19:11(edited)

hiho. zum thema beacons hab ich bereits etwas vorgeschlagen. dieses werde ich hier nochmals wiederholen. 

meine idee ist, beacons level für level, bei einer gewissen deffstärke, vor angriffen zu schützen. jede liga braucht zum leveln der festungen beacons. das ist regulär, zur zeit, unmöglich. ich habe folgenden vorschlag

level 1= 50 kk basic deff

level 2 = 75 kk

level 3 = 100 kk

level 4 = 125 kk

level 5 = 150 kk

das ist basic deff...also rohdeff.

somit haben auch kleinere ligen eine chance, beacons zu deffen. 

des weiteren sollten beacons entsprechende vorteile für eine liga bringen. diese dürfen jedoch nicht die, einer level 15 festung übertreffen.

das gleiche sollte für festungen eingeführt werden. auch da habe ich bereits vorschäge gemacht. 

das problem dürfte sein, der pvp sowie die deff der inaktiven spieler aus den türmen zu bekommen.

zum pvp...

1x im monat werden alle beacons, deren deffwert unter die entsprechende mindestdeff je level fällt, zum pvp freigegeben. idealerweise zum pvp 2.2...

die beacons müssen alle 8 wochen gelevelt werden. geschieht das nicht, werden auch diese zum pvp 2.2 freigegeben.

alle 12 wochen sollte es ein massaker geben, bei dem die truppen jedoch zu 100 % ersetzt werden. dadurch bekommt man inaktive member aus den beacons. die türme werden um ein level gesenkt, verbleiben aber bei den ligen. nach dem wettbewerb bleiben 24 h zeit, den beacon wieder mit deff, entsprechend dem level, zu füllen. 

geschieht das nicht, wird der beacon zum nächsten pvp 2.2 freigegeben. 

desweiteren könnte man die menge an beacons einer liga, vom level der festung abhängig machen. 

das gleiche system würde ich für festungen vorschlagen, jedoch mit anderen deffwerten...

level 20 = 1 kkk basic deff

level 19 = 900 kk

level 18 = 800 kk

17 = 700 kk

16 = 600 kk 

16 = 550 kk

15 = 500 kk

14 = 450 kk

13 = 400 kk

12 = 350 kk

11 = 300 kk

10 = 250 kk

9 = 200 kk

8 = 150 kk

6 = 100 kk

auch hier handelt es sich um basic deff...

im massaker darf eine festung natürlich nicht gesenkt werden. die ligen erhalten gemäss ihren punkten, entsprechende belohnungen.

somit ist dieses spiel auch für normale spieler, die wenig oder kein geld investieren, wieder spielbar. die beacons würden zu neuem leben erwachen.

mir ist natürlich klar, dass plarium geld verdienen muss. blendet doch einfach ab und zu, externe werbung ein. somit könnte plarium einen teil seiner einnahmen generieren und man kommt weg vom pay to win. 

Aug 24, 2018, 00:5908/24/18

recently systems are good so far. but you devs can change it to be more intersting if the ratio will be bad for the attackers if many leagues hit a beacon. the ratio will be same if 1 on 1 league. 

so, you should have additional feature about requesting duel league, and only the leagues with the same tier can request and accept this feature.

it's gonna be fair for all! :)

Aug 28, 2018, 19:2108/28/18
smart Player here said:

recently systems are good so far. but you devs can change it to be more intersting if the ratio will be bad for the attackers if many leagues hit a beacon. the ratio will be same if 1 on 1 league. 

so, you should have additional feature about requesting duel league, and only the leagues with the same tier can request and accept this feature.

it's gonna be fair for all! :)

That is a great idea! They are working to come up with new beacon features and taking feedback from players :)
Aug 29, 2018, 02:4408/29/18

I haven't bee playing long enough to remember when beacons were worth leveling up but I can see the system is broken. I agree they aren't worth defending for points. I see a lot of sugesuggestions to increase defense points. Why hasn't this been done?

Maybe if the defense points gained increased with higher level beacons this would help incentivize leagues. You could also deter attacks on higher level beacons a little more by increasing defense bonuses for higher levels.
Aug 29, 2018, 08:0008/29/18

crumb0318 said:

I haven't bee playing long enough to remember when beacons were worth leveling up but I can see the system is broken. I agree they aren't worth defending for points. I see a lot of sugesuggestions to increase defense points. Why hasn't this been done?

Maybe if the defense points gained increased with higher level beacons this would help incentivize leagues. You could also deter attacks on higher level beacons a little more by increasing defense bonuses for higher levels.


Devs have another idea on how to increase players' interest to Beacons.

It will be added to the game in one of the next updates :) Let's stay tuned and see what will change :)
Oct 7, 2018, 23:3510/07/18
Awesome! Excited for that update! 
Oct 10, 2018, 12:5110/10/18

Trent Kestin said:

Awesome! Excited for that update! 

As excited as Kevin is?

Oct 12, 2018, 15:2710/12/18
Alina Phoenix said:

Trent Kestin said:

Awesome! Excited for that update! 

As excited as Kevin is?

Thats how excited I am!
Mar 16, 2019, 00:3603/16/19
I think that the alliances or coalitions should be allowed to place troops in each others beacons so that smaller leagues could group together to hold a beacon. they should also lower the group attacks from three to two as the attackers can have such huge forces that they do not sustain any damage and it is a washout for the defense.
Mar 18, 2019, 06:1703/18/19
kjcnightlight said:

I think that the alliances or coalitions should be allowed to place troops in each others beacons so that smaller leagues could group together to hold a beacon. they should also lower the group attacks from three to two as the attackers can have such huge forces that they do not sustain any damage and it is a washout for the defense.
Beacons are meant for individual leagues only and changing the mechanics for holding together would not be such a good idea imo
Apr 18, 2019, 11:3904/18/19
kjcnightlight said:

I think that the alliances or coalitions should be allowed to place troops in each others beacons so that smaller leagues could group together to hold a beacon. they should also lower the group attacks from three to two as the attackers can have such huge forces that they do not sustain any damage and it is a washout for the defense.
What do you mean lower from 3 to 2? If referencing the number of members who can join the league attack that would not really have much effect, it is based off of food consumption for how many troops you can add. One player if powerful enough could fill the league attack on their own. The smaller leagues I understand what you are saying but it would be less beneficial if coalitions could hold them as a whole because of the achievements awarded and leagues with less members would be less helpful to bigger leagues adding more causing the smaller ones to probably not get any benefits anyway.