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Current Battlegrounds Algorythim Mechanics

Current Battlegrounds Algorythim Mechanics

Jan 25, 2018, 14:4301/25/18
Jan 25, 2018, 14:49(edited)
You can get a payout on every level.
Normally you can get everything out, that you put in. It is all the question how to do. 

I don't know how you play BGs but I think there is the problem. You must do something else.

Big jumps in level can make a problem.
Do try just a level different from 10 for a Payout. 
Jan 26, 2018, 15:2201/26/18
Sheranius said:

You can get a payout on every level.
Normally you can get everything out, that you put in. It is all the question how to do. 

I don't know how you play BGs but I think there is the problem. You must do something else.

Big jumps in level can make a problem.
Do try just a level different from 10 for a Payout. 
Hello, my Lord! Maybe you can share your own tips how to play BGs :) 
Apr 17, 2019, 08:4804/17/19
Hi the BGs are just a question of RSS TROUP AND SAPHIR if you find the right balenced between all of them you have found the tactical of the best player
Apr 17, 2019, 08:5804/17/19
Apr 17, 2019, 09:03(edited)

Find the Troup that use the less rss (powerful) and the one that use the must ress

Find the Troup that you buy with the less amount of saphire and give you the must amount of ress(you make cheap ress) 

Find the Troup that you can train that give you the must amount of ress(you make quick ress) 

Balur just want ress

You want power

The game want saphire

You pay balur with the Troup rich in ress

He pay you with the Troup not rich in ress but in power

You won saphire by participating to a tournament 

...... Etc

You need to do the math yourself but once you done them it become easy. 

But remember the BGs xp count in the calcul so you need to kill the must Troup of balur with the less of yours

May 3, 2019, 06:3305/03/19
pongiremopita Pongi said:

You know God, games are supposed to be FUN ENTERTAINING ENJOYABLE. But the Devil always wants to complicate things. Unfortunately this game is turning into something far to complicated, for us mortals to comprehend amen.

Battlegrounds are a war against Balur always have been always will be, let us not complicate that. In my war against Balur, I have found the higher level Battlegrounds difficult to defeat and disheartening when I finally do defeat them, I got Zero reward from level 125 all the way up to 176, I recently defeated level 175 highest level I had at the time, for zero reward! I was lucky to get a common piece of level 4 armour. I am working on level 176 and do not expect a reward for defeating this battleground due to the fact the past 50 Battleground gave me nothing, how ever you justify what has happened to my account? I will continue my war against Balur, Until I finally get to the highest level. Changes that need to occur, Do not think that everyone is a rocket scientist!!! Some of us are just simple mind people, if your solutions are not simple I will not understand you or why these things are happening to my account. 

Yours in the kindest of regards

Remo Pongi

If you need some help there are chatrooms for BG on LINE app..Share your LINE app id and I will invite you
May 10, 2019, 05:5105/10/19
Es una vergüenza cada poco nos quitan cosas ahora ya no salen ni campeones de categoría IV en los vínculos épicos que ocurre han decidido que solo se saquen ahora con los sacros para que compremos 20 vínculos épicos y ni uno de categoría IV salio que vergüenza y ahora dirán que es aleatorio y tengo el culo pelado en este juego para ver que no es así lo han modificado es una puta vergüenza cada vez más miserables son estos de plarium 
May 14, 2019, 11:5805/14/19
SDB Sandoval said:

Es una vergüenza cada poco nos quitan cosas ahora ya no salen ni campeones de categoría IV en los vínculos épicos que ocurre han decidido que solo se saquen ahora con los sacros para que compremos 20 vínculos épicos y ni uno de categoría IV salio que vergüenza y ahora dirán que es aleatorio y tengo el culo pelado en este juego para ver que no es así lo han modificado es una puta vergüenza cada vez más miserables son estos de plarium 
I still get the same results in bonds as always have. It is completely random by luck now. Collect one of each in each grade to earn more rewards though!
May 14, 2019, 23:1405/14/19

pongiremopita Pongi said:

You know God, games are supposed to be FUN ENTERTAINING ENJOYABLE. But the Devil always wants to complicate things. Unfortunately this game is turning into something far to complicated, for us mortals to comprehend amen.

Battlegrounds are a war against Balur always have been always will be, let us not complicate that. In my war against Balur, I have found the higher level Battlegrounds difficult to defeat and disheartening when I finally do defeat them, I got Zero reward from level 125 all the way up to 176, I recently defeated level 175 highest level I had at the time, for zero reward! I was lucky to get a common piece of level 4 armour. I am working on level 176 and do not expect a reward for defeating this battleground due to the fact the past 50 Battleground gave me nothing, how ever you justify what has happened to my account? I will continue my war against Balur, Until I finally get to the highest level. Changes that need to occur, Do not think that everyone is a rocket scientist!!! Some of us are just simple mind people, if your solutions are not simple I will not understand you or why these things are happening to my account. 

Yours in the kindest of regards

Remo Pongi

and you need a PhD for Stonehearts trials
