Just for the readers. The fireball bombing continues , 3 to 4 times a day, I'm being bombed by an ever increasing number of accounts, accounts that she buys or gets for free. Now I get fireballs from 13 accounts in the mean time, and the maximum number of fireballs a day nicely disttributed on my account and my beste fellows castles. We have had it after 6 to nearly 7 months of daily reports, filled with her castles missile platforms, continuously bombing our accounts. All of our own logged operations are overwritten by her actions. Each time you login, its her and nothing but her.
These people over here, decided that its allowed, by their rules, can't even see how absurd this really is. A complete psycho , hides now behind the gamemakers rules and cause misery among trustfull , paying , familiy members , who love to play a game and socialize a bit and build friendships.
Can't they see how harmfull this all is and adapt their gamepolicy ? Don't they realize how tense/overheated it is getting ? We are not talking about a normal human being here, but a complete psycho , and the question is , does such a person have a rightfull place in this game ? The answer is yes (not in theory but in practice) , you may stalk, bully and haress , everything is allowed really in practice. How come ?
Because the game makers though having a policy, are not in a measure to implement measures, apart fom scanning on humiliating words and substituting them with **** and provide you a button to block a person bullying you in private. Thats all plarium does, no more.
Till now after nicely submitting screenshots , we got a non personalized reply , with the same persons name , as if its an automated message with the same wording on every single escalation we did . They keep on refering to the policy and hope everyone uses common sense. All of this declines he fact that some people have psychological problems. Some people should be protected against themselves before they collapse.
Who am I dealing with , I wonder ? Behind the tough game she plays , this person is definitely in a non forgiven state of mind, likely caused by incidents in her private life and taking it out in this game, taking vengenace on us instead of addressing her problems. To me this person suffers from some kind of depression, as no-one is filled with hatred for more then 6 to 7 months , does it, uless that person is heaviliy dealing with an issue. It wouldn't make make sense to abny normal reasonable balanced person. Loose a war, win a war , intimidate each other, win a few more, loose a few etc .. but everyone digests that and at some time goes on and pulls out ..... but not this person.
Be aware that you might face them or cross their road in this game, I have came accross all kind of weird people in this game , up till having them as contacts in line. Never ever provide private data in line ! Why ?
I was once member of EM3. And here goes the setting. EMx and the FVW familily leagues (FMx) were fighing each other , for years. Two female players couldn't stand each other , over a love affair they both had with a common man. One person felt hatred for years. Pretty sick if you ask me. And every member that ever played on the psychos side was sacrificed to that cause , that was to destroy the other and/or her friends and it kept on going for years. Hundreds if not thousands of game enthusiasts , joined the league and unwillingly got sucked into that setting and were sacrificed to that sick persons cause day after day , years in a row. I was once at EM3 and left the league quickly after realizing it was filled with people with no moral code / deontology at all. I entered in chats with people inside the jailwalls, talking streetlanguage , absolute criminals, that try to initimidate you in every possible way they can, people you wouldn't ever want to cross your way in real life. you might fae them in the ingame chat, but occasionally in LINE too. Be carefull with private data !
We in our case deal with a sick stalker. stalkers enter onther persons life and have a obsession to either be with them (in love) or intimidate them untill they are broken. Our stalker is spamming our league chat, of friended leagues too , in a attempt to discredit our league. She does that with every now and then new accounts (should she be expelled before she has the time to leave) that she uses to join our league, cut and paste here nonsense many times once she joins till the chat screen is filled with scam , and quickly leaves before you get the time to scroll down the list of members to the bottom and kick her.
The message is insulting our league and its members, 3 to 4 times a day, discourages new members as it doesn't pleed for joining our league I can tell you that. Moreover members joining in on the incident are quickly scared of doing so with heavy bombing till any resistance is broken , meantime she keeps her core under fire , people including myself. Its this precise core, who she will never stop bombing, untill we leave, these are not only her tough words, but after 6 to 7 months you can pretty much understand that this person is a no quitter and will persist untill we do or she cracks mentally , whatever comes first.
Some of our league members have never ever seen a clean chat where we can chit chat and socialize with the in game chat in any possible way. This one is technically speaking out of order, an alternate sidechat never really got in use by our members as its too much to bother really and noone ever got used to it.