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Update daily rewards

Update daily rewards

Feb 17, 2019, 19:1802/17/19

Update daily rewards

With all the new items Plarium should change the daily reward track so that every once in awhile you can get a holy scroll or hung item without breaking the bank. I am not paying $50 for a holy scroll peeps. However it still shouldn’t count against people that don’t pay to play. Saved the talk about you being able to get a holy scroll threw killing the undead, it’s a lottery chance. Haven’t gotten one since Champions were introduced. It’s not going to kill your sales if everyone gets one every three months. I mean you still only have a 25% chance to get it anyway. Food for thought.
Feb 18, 2019, 10:5102/18/19


I already forwarded to devs a suggestion to review daily rewards and they accepted it.

It won't be done fast as they're working on other tasks with the higher priority right now.

Still, they will add this task to the backlog.

Feb 18, 2019, 15:4102/18/19
Thank you Alina that is the best answer I have ever gotten on here. Gandalf I play a lot so chance dictates I should have gotten one by now, however my luck is terrible so there is that, lol.
Feb 27, 2019, 11:0302/27/19
Opici said:

Thank you Alina that is the best answer I have ever gotten on here. Gandalf I play a lot so chance dictates I should have gotten one by now, however my luck is terrible so there is that, lol.
You're not alone with it   I've played one RPG for quite a long time and failed to receive at least one Legendary hero