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Beta version for desktop.

Beta version for desktop.

Sep 1, 2018, 07:4209/01/18

Beta version for desktop.

I have mixed feelings about this whole thing, on plarium play it says "this is a beta version of the desktop adaptation  of stormfall....   ..... progress made in this beta cycle will carry over to the finished product..."     

What that tells me , that theres a server for desktop users , we test it , keep our progress ,  keep playing....

I landed, saw a bunch of noobs  around me, just like me , with shields and everything ... i toss in some money surpass them ...slightly ...   and then the next day i check the event rewards , as i feel pretty confident and everything..     And it says my points are insufficient enough to even HAVE a rank in the  events...    i keep looking around and NOONE around me seems stronger than me  so i talk to the guys in  the guild (league) i joined.. , turns out we not only DID NOT get a new server , we got tossed into the oldest?  one as cannon fodder for the vets....  people there been playing for already 4 or 5 years...   i wont be able to compete in the events even if i play for 5 years, unless all the old guys leave....

it would of been amazing to  know that before i toss in money and time , as you led me to believe its something new for desktop ,  and  progress will carry over to the finished version.... what finished version , people  are there for  YEARS already :|

So the game in itself is allright , but i  cant  help myself  feeling a bit  ripped off...
Sep 3, 2018, 11:0709/03/18


Thanks for sharing your feedback!

Plarium App doesn't give you a new server. You still play on those servers that mobile application has.

The only difference is a way you're playing. The application is more comfortable for desktop players, and mobile application remains for mobile players.

Sep 3, 2018, 12:1709/03/18
Sep 3, 2018, 12:23(edited)

yeah i kind of said that already...

edit:   what i mean is , if we had our own server  the beta bugs wouldnt matter as much as everyone would be affected by them , right now  we cant do anything while everyone else moves forward.....and the irony...     troop training event =)    cant train troops for  4 or 5 days now.
Sep 3, 2018, 19:3509/03/18

Alina Phoenix said:


Thanks for sharing your feedback!

Plarium App doesn't give you a new server. You still play on those servers that mobile application has.

The only difference is a way you're playing. The application is more comfortable for desktop players, and mobile application remains for mobile players.

Deleting my post does not change the sentiment felt by so many.

I see you can delete a post, but are deadly silent on the bugs and the continued abuse us as Plarium APP players get from plarium .

In the past two months we have been denied playing for 10 days.

Sep 20, 2018, 21:3809/20/18
The silence from the moderators says it all.
Sep 26, 2018, 14:3109/26/18

Nikitta said:

Alina Phoenix said:


Thanks for sharing your feedback!

Plarium App doesn't give you a new server. You still play on those servers that mobile application has.

The only difference is a way you're playing. The application is more comfortable for desktop players, and mobile application remains for mobile players.

Deleting my post does not change the sentiment felt by so many.

I see you can delete a post, but are deadly silent on the bugs and the continued abuse us as Plarium APP players get from plarium .

In the past two months we have been denied playing for 10 days.

Hello, Nikitta!

I'm sorry for a delayed reply, I was on vacation.

Your comment was deleted for a reason which I sent to you in PM. I understand you have a negative feedback about Plarium App, but you need to post it in a way that doesn't break Forum Rules.

As for discussing technical issues in the application, let's keep it in one place: