End Of Year Solo XP
Salute The Winners!
The time to announce the winners of the End Of Year Solo XP Tournament is upon us.
Join me in honoring these noble Lords and Ladies -
Forest of the Spirits
1. Salah ad-Din...
2. | B R U N O |
3. LeLLicK ☭
4. Zaper
5. FredFerkel *AL*
6. Qin Shi Huang
7. Spoerri {AL}
8. Castle FireAnts
9. -Ar3 u s3r1ous_
10. Butch SS7
Forgotten Lands
1. XxxxxX55555
2. Mizzoumark
3. Dawg
4. Melf’s Legend
5. Оne
6. here I go again
7. Изумруд...
8. DarkBeat {NWs}
9. Castlemaniac
10. Castle black 2
Shadow Reaches
1. TorstenPaul
2. Mees
4. Hamburg plus
5. James72
6. Paddington
7. Dirk
8. hools
9. Larisa
10. Adrian