Get your own unique discount on Sapphires on February 6th!
Lords and Ladies of Stormfall!
A magical season is upon us! In honor of the winter festivities, Lord Oberon has granted each of you a chance to receive a unique discount on Sapphires. Peer into one of the 3 magical Crystal Balls to receive a one-time Special Offer! Think long and hard before you make your selection, for there can be no going back once your choice has been made! Each discount given is completely personalized, and pertains to a randomly-sized pack of Sapphires.
Here's a short walkthrough:
1. Tap a Crystal Ball to reveal its discount. You have only 1 attempt, so choose carefully.
2. Tap "Purchase" to finalize the procedure.
Remember: This offer is only valid for a limited time. Be sure to use your discount before time runs out!
May Eir guide your hand!