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New Legendary Bestiary Units

New Legendary Bestiary Units

New Legendary Bestiary Units
Get Powerful Fighters Who Can Revive Lost Units!

Lords and Ladies,

Formidable new Legendary Units have arrived in Stormfall – the Bloodlust Demoness and the Soulbound Demon. You can obtain these fearsome warriors from certain Special Offers.

These Units each have their own strengths and weaknesses. While the Bloodlust Demoness lives only to attack, Soulbound Demons offer unmatched defense.

These Units have a special ability: they revive some of the Units they fight alongside in PvP battles for free. The percentage of Units revived depends on the Level of your Infirmary. Make sure that you don't forget to claim revived Units!

As with all Legendary Units, these warriors fight best when accompanied by fellow soldiers. Only Bestiary Offense Units can support the Bloodlust Demoness, while only Bestiary Defense Units can support Soulbound Demons.

Bolster your forces with these new warriors and conquer all who cross your path!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Apr 3, 2021, 13:0004/03/21
Apr 3, 2021, 14:5704/03/21

Ohhhhhh !!!!!
Thank you very much for these new legendary units :-)
Greetings and good game :-) 
