Lords and Ladies,
Your court sorcerers spoke into the void, and the void spoke back — terrifying new Occult Units with Double Damage Ability have arrived. Recruit the Unspeaking and the Cursed Terror!
Both of these fearsome Units possess a 20% chance to deal Double Damage. When the Double Damage Ability is activated, these Units' combat statistics are doubled after taking into account all Bonuses that apply to them.
Take note that these Units cannot be part of a Legendary Unit's Support Group, and Double Damage is never inflicted on Spirit Wardens.
Bring these Units into your army and watch your enemies quiver with fear!
Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall
I don't get it
Are you trying to sell us new occult units that are exactly the same as our Renegades and Demons, except that they will always be level one and can never be used with Legendary Support?
The random double damage could never compensate for such a huge loss
As always all are given the option use what units they want to use and free to not as well
just another way to get players to spend money in a dead game , and at over inflated prices at that :p
Hello vision and Harvey Pooka , nobody force you to purchase , remain a free game where people can decide if they want to spend or not 😁
Maybe is dead game for you vision , but we still are a lot active players 😎
I wish you a good day ahead !
When people give you feedback that an update is stupid in their eyes, it's not a good idea to simply brush it off and say - "you don't need to interact with the stupid content".
That is close to trolling, it doesn't address their issue or concern AT ALL. And you might find that the feedback is part of a wider problem, their post is just the straw that broke the camels back to move them to spend their time posting (e.g. in this case that the game has been flooded with utterly pointless units for a long time).
So aside from the fact it's pretty rude and dismissive - you might want to consider suggesting we have the choice to not play the content is not that far off another truth - we can avoid the content by simply choosing to not play this game. I don't know why you think it's sensible to escalate a convo in this direction.
It comes across like you are constantly goading people to quit. At the bare minimum it annoys the hell out of people that things they feel are issues get instantly dimissed with no sensible response.
PS these kind of responses aren't iscolated incidents they are VERY common.
When people give you feedback that an update is stupid in their eyes, it's not a good idea to simply brush it off and say - "you don't need to interact with the stupid content".
That is close to trolling, it doesn't address their issue or concern AT ALL. And you might find that the feedback is part of a wider problem, their post is just the straw that broke the camels back to move them to spend their time posting (e.g. in this case that the game has been flooded with utterly pointless units for a long time).
So aside from the fact it's pretty rude and dismissive - you might want to consider suggesting we have the choice to not play the content is not that far off another truth - we can avoid the content by simply choosing to not play this game. I don't know why you think it's sensible to escalate a convo in this direction.
It comes across like you are constantly goading people to quit. At the bare minimum it annoys the hell out of people that things they feel are issues get instantly dimissed with no sensible response.
PS these kind of responses aren't iscolated incidents they are VERY common.
I can't see any rudeness or dismissive way of speaking in the comments, dear Nightmare. Each player chooses whether to try using new units or not, as well as to find them helpful or useless. The same thing concerns events and tournaments that are highly appreciated by a part of the players and met with a lukewarm response by the rest of the community. So many men, so many minds.😉
Moreover, along with the players, our moderators can also freely express their points of view and expect a respectful attitude and understanding from the community, as they help players solve their issues daily and are available for you almost 24/7 with their best possible support and advice.