Olenka - Why are there no Crown Knights in the rewards? You seem to have reduced defensive rewards and added a few Feral Swordsmen, which upsets game balance.
You also need to remove TBG from the DEFAULT view in our Eagles Nest, and redress the BALANCE between Hero Equipment Types in Reward Chests. 5% for Boots and Gloves is a totally unacceptable scam
Can somebody post a screenshot of the FULL rewards from the last TBG? I quit at level 21 because it starts getting too expensive at levels 22-32
These were the original rewards and it would be helpful to compare total unit strength - https://prnt.sc/-qm5c3xE3_Fp
p.s. Could I take this opportunity to remind your Team that we have had no Champ Summoning Events since November ... nobody in my league trusts Holy Bonds to give 25% Gold Champs - one member spent 15 Holy Bonds and got 14 purples. The odds against that must be astronomical