Lords and Ladies,
Our Craftsmen have outdone themselves once again, for it is now possible to upgrade the following Buildings to level 33:
- Townhouses
- Mines
- Farms
Warehouses and Barns, meanwhile, can now be upgraded to Level 28.
Keep in mind that, once you reach a certain Level, you will need Sketches to further upgrade these Buildings.
But don’t forget, as you reach those higher upgrade Levels, you will also unlock special Bonuses.
Use this knowledge to boost your Resource production and storage, and make your Castle even stronger!
Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall
You broke the gdarn game AGAIN ....lvl 27 barn and warehouse states you can exceed max resources...and yesterday you could...today you cant...sort things out....you also broke champs when you try to upgrade them
Champs are very broken. Takes way more time to upgrade champs now. Need to get that rolled back to how it was before.
I would like to suggest making Hamlets for lower level 100 castles more fair, like they are for levels 70's, 80's and 90's. When you reach level 100, you have to try and compete with the higher levels like 140's and up. Right now the only ones who can hold Jeweler hamlets are just a few high 150 level castles. The rest of us do not stand a chance holding a jewlers hamlet against high level players.
If your barn is full and you send resources to a friend, then cancel that, you do not get the resources back.
If your barn is full, you can not get resources from Black Market or sieges. Please expalin what resources are considered "not produced in your castle"
Those would be resources collected from Raiding Castles
(1 question ) I did not write the discription
(2 question) I will forward but my guess would be is they are considered to be generated from the castle.
1. Forward it please.
2. Yeah, but there is no generation. They are being taken out and put back in. The net result should be the same as before.
Hallo folgends wurde verschlechter nach dem letzten sogenanten verbesserungen.
1. unbegrenzte lagerung der ressorcen bei level 27 ist weg. obwohl es angegeben ist.
2. Bauerhöfe produktion nur 100 er statt wie zur pro level 1000
3. bei den schlachtfeldern ist es nicht mehr möglich ohne weiteres auf level 290 zu kommen
4. Champions können nur umständlicher verbeser werden.
es werden auch noch andere begrenzungen eingeführt ohne das eine info dazu gibt
und Belohnugs änderungen bei den events wie z.b. Liga duell
habe eine bitte ändern sie diese verschlechterungen und bringen ware verbesserungen auf den weg