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New Global Events

New Global Events

New Global Events
Earn More Moon Points And Power Points In Moon Quests!

Lords and Ladies,

As the power of the Moon waxes and wanes ever stronger, Rewards from Moon Quests can be yours more quickly than ever before thanks to our upcoming Global Events.

Each Event will increase by a certain percentage the number of Power Points or Moon Points you earn as you try to complete Moon Quests in certain categories. We will have 4 Global Events:

- Power Points Bonus in the Battlegrounds Category of Moon Quests
- Power Points Bonus in the PvP Battles Category of Moon Quests
- Power Points Bonus in the Unit Collection Category of Moon Quests
- Moon Points Bonus in the Mar'eth Quests Category of Moon Quests

Word is that these Global Events will launch soon. Remain vigilant, and make the most of your opportunities when they arise!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Mar 25, 2021, 12:1603/25/21