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Update News!
Check out our latest Improvements

Lords and Ladies,

We always strive to meet your expectations, and so we have made some improvements based on your requests:

- "My Ranking" filter button added to League Activity tab in the League Brawl Tournament
- Frame added to Champion icons in League Tower events, displaying the Grade of the Champion
- New filter added to Sanctum of Shards
- Fixed the Open Next button when opening League Chests so the next Chest opened is selected according your League Chest sorting mode

Do feel free to share your suggestions. My advisors will surely consider it.

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Mar 25, 2021, 12:1303/25/21
Apr 12, 2021, 22:5204/12/21


I Already saw many times the question about clicking in this game. But never a direct answer from you.

Do you gain money in anyway for each click we HAVE TO do in this game? Because the extremely large amount of clicks a user needts to do in this game is ANNOYING.

If you admit that clicking is a way for you to make money, great, at least people know that is a way to help you earn money. But if that's not the case, and I hope so. you need urgently to hire a UI architect, designer, scientist, or whatever. Or at least put your developers to play the game. 

To explain that I in fact don;t know exactly where to start, because almost every piece of the game needs a lot of unnecessarily clicks.

but just as a simple example: You just applied all the divine Quests, you don't need to know how much for each resource you just gained. this can be shown as a message not as a messga plus click on the OK button. But going forward, where I really want to exaplain...  Now you need to refresh the divine Quests. So you click on the button REFRESH INDIVIDUAL QUESTs or can be the LEAGUE QUESTs. So the game asks for a second click, where shows how many refreshers you have available. Nobody cares about that, what's important should be if you have available refrehesers or not. but you don;t need to show the amount  and wait for a click. If there are no available just show amessage without expecting for a click. If there are available refreshers just apply it and don;t wait for an APPLY Button, But even showing the message, there is still a confirmation click saying: applying the refresh you will gain 11 more Divine Quests CONTINUE? and waits for another click. and only if YES is clicked then the Quests will be added. 

You don;t need so many clicks for something as simple as this.

But there is a place in the game that really sucks and makes me crazy each time I need to apply for resources (Gold, Iron, Meat...) the Black Market and the way the game was designed.

Before explaining what you already know about what you need to use the resources, I'll explain the ideal world when needing resources.

Imagin that you are buying units in this case Infanty. so you want to buy Pikemen and you are short of Iron, then close to the IRON Available should be a button saying REFILL, and all the iron should complete the maximum allowed in your warehouse or just less depending on the available units you have available. AUTOMATICALLY without the need of such gross procedure, mechanism, flow that actually is needed to do what you want. Get some Iron Quickly, effective, with no time consuming and not getting tier or bored.

But Instead of the ideal world you still can make easiest that procedure. So completing the task of adding IRON even if going to the black Market, there is another IDEAL world.

Imagine a ONE click resource option, instead of entering in the black market and choose the RESOURCES tab, or much better 3 direct buttons to gold, iron or meat. then you finally arrived to the IRON TAB  within the RESOURCES within the black market. And remember you needed to go off from the place you buy the pikemen and after getting the IRON you need to enter again there. 

Weel in this ideal world you should have a REPLENISH click, where should consume the different quantities up to refill your warehouse starting from the biggest units and going down to the smallest ones, which is the most efficient way or viceversa. I mean Let's suppose you have a warehouse limit of 328k,and you have 1 x 100k , 3 x 50k, 125 x 5k and 38 x 1k. In this case should be added automaically to your warehouse the 1 x 100k + 3 x 50k + 14 x 5k + 8 x 1k which makes a total of  328k 

But on the real life in the game, you need to do more than 50 clicks to accomplish this task.

1. change the page to reach the 100k packs, because the icons are too big to fit all the options in only 1 page. so let's suppose 3 clicks to reach the 100k, then click on the apply if you ONLY hve 1 which is what you need, then in the same package click on the 50k apply buton 3 times or enter inside and using not just the click but the mouse movement to choose 3 or write in the keyboard 3 then apply. Just doing this is super annoying. then go back one page to reach the 5k packages and as is needed 14 of them is impossible to click 14 times on the apply button, beacse above all is a VERY SNAIL SLOWLY processes which makes everything worst. so you entered in the 5k packages and need to type in the keyboard 14 or use the mouse movement to get the 14 which requires a lot of mouse skills, the to finish you need to go dorectly to the 1k packages or if you are unlucky chage the page one more time to reach them. After all this intense hard work and time consuming processes you need more clicks to go off the IRON, RESOURCES AND BLACK MARKET.

Do you really think that you have very good UI designers or architects? please rethink that, because you are TOTALLY WRONG. 

Now that you understand my point, let's think on the WORST OF ALL processes in the game it has. The upgrading champion process. That one is really a nightmare.

So PLEASE tell us if you really don't earn money when a users makes a click in this game. because is the only that make sense for such horrible UI.


I really want to know if I;m the only user in the world which have these thougths about this game. Tell me that I'm not alone, please.

AlinaCommunity Manager
Apr 14, 2021, 16:1004/14/21
Apr 14, 2021, 16:11(edited)


I Already saw many times the question about clicking in this game. But never a direct answer from you.

Do you gain money in anyway for each click we HAVE TO do in this game? Because the extremely large amount of clicks a user needts to do in this game is ANNOYING.

If you admit that clicking is a way for you to make money, great, at least people know that is a way to help you earn money. But if that's not the case, and I hope so. you need urgently to hire a UI architect, designer, scientist, or whatever. Or at least put your developers to play the game. 

To explain that I in fact don;t know exactly where to start, because almost every piece of the game needs a lot of unnecessarily clicks.

but just as a simple example: You just applied all the divine Quests, you don't need to know how much for each resource you just gained. this can be shown as a message not as a messga plus click on the OK button. But going forward, where I really want to exaplain...  Now you need to refresh the divine Quests. So you click on the button REFRESH INDIVIDUAL QUESTs or can be the LEAGUE QUESTs. So the game asks for a second click, where shows how many refreshers you have available. Nobody cares about that, what's important should be if you have available refrehesers or not. but you don;t need to show the amount  and wait for a click. If there are no available just show amessage without expecting for a click. If there are available refreshers just apply it and don;t wait for an APPLY Button, But even showing the message, there is still a confirmation click saying: applying the refresh you will gain 11 more Divine Quests CONTINUE? and waits for another click. and only if YES is clicked then the Quests will be added. 

You don;t need so many clicks for something as simple as this.

But there is a place in the game that really sucks and makes me crazy each time I need to apply for resources (Gold, Iron, Meat...) the Black Market and the way the game was designed.

Before explaining what you already know about what you need to use the resources, I'll explain the ideal world when needing resources.

Imagin that you are buying units in this case Infanty. so you want to buy Pikemen and you are short of Iron, then close to the IRON Available should be a button saying REFILL, and all the iron should complete the maximum allowed in your warehouse or just less depending on the available units you have available. AUTOMATICALLY without the need of such gross procedure, mechanism, flow that actually is needed to do what you want. Get some Iron Quickly, effective, with no time consuming and not getting tier or bored.

But Instead of the ideal world you still can make easiest that procedure. So completing the task of adding IRON even if going to the black Market, there is another IDEAL world.

Imagine a ONE click resource option, instead of entering in the black market and choose the RESOURCES tab, or much better 3 direct buttons to gold, iron or meat. then you finally arrived to the IRON TAB  within the RESOURCES within the black market. And remember you needed to go off from the place you buy the pikemen and after getting the IRON you need to enter again there. 

Weel in this ideal world you should have a REPLENISH click, where should consume the different quantities up to refill your warehouse starting from the biggest units and going down to the smallest ones, which is the most efficient way or viceversa. I mean Let's suppose you have a warehouse limit of 328k,and you have 1 x 100k , 3 x 50k, 125 x 5k and 38 x 1k. In this case should be added automaically to your warehouse the 1 x 100k + 3 x 50k + 14 x 5k + 8 x 1k which makes a total of  328k 

But on the real life in the game, you need to do more than 50 clicks to accomplish this task.

1. change the page to reach the 100k packs, because the icons are too big to fit all the options in only 1 page. so let's suppose 3 clicks to reach the 100k, then click on the apply if you ONLY hve 1 which is what you need, then in the same package click on the 50k apply buton 3 times or enter inside and using not just the click but the mouse movement to choose 3 or write in the keyboard 3 then apply. Just doing this is super annoying. then go back one page to reach the 5k packages and as is needed 14 of them is impossible to click 14 times on the apply button, beacse above all is a VERY SNAIL SLOWLY processes which makes everything worst. so you entered in the 5k packages and need to type in the keyboard 14 or use the mouse movement to get the 14 which requires a lot of mouse skills, the to finish you need to go dorectly to the 1k packages or if you are unlucky chage the page one more time to reach them. After all this intense hard work and time consuming processes you need more clicks to go off the IRON, RESOURCES AND BLACK MARKET.

Do you really think that you have very good UI designers or architects? please rethink that, because you are TOTALLY WRONG. 

Now that you understand my point, let's think on the WORST OF ALL processes in the game it has. The upgrading champion process. That one is really a nightmare.

So PLEASE tell us if you really don't earn money when a users makes a click in this game. because is the only that make sense for such horrible UI.


I really want to know if I;m the only user in the world which have these thougths about this game. Tell me that I'm not alone, please.

Hello, Juan! Thanks for sharing your feedback with us. First of all, I would like to note that our income doesn't depend on the number of clicks you do 🙂  We understand that there are a lot of things you need to perform in the game and everything requires clicking. We're doing our best to simplify it including the process of claiming rewards. By the way, we're working hard now to improve the whole thing with Champions. I hope you'll like it 😉