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New Legendary Bestiary Units

New Legendary Bestiary Units

New Legendary Bestiary Units
Double Supporting Units’ Combat Stats With These Warriors!

Lords and Ladies,

Two mighty new Legendary Bestiary Units are ready to join our cause to return peace to Stormfall – the Darksun Sentinel and the Blackfire Venator. These fearsome fighters are available through certain Special Offers.

These Units each have their own strengths and weaknesses. While the Darksun Sentinel will perform best in defensive engagements, the Blackfire Venator is best suited to attack.

As with all Legendary Units, these warriors perform at their best when accompanied by fellow fighters. Only Bestiary Defensive Units can support the Darksun Sentinel, while only Bestiary Offensive Units can support the Blackfire Venator.

These new Units also possess a Special Ability—Double Damage. When activated, this Ability doubles the combat statistics of Supporting Units, after taking into account all Bonuses that apply to them.

Send the Darksun Sentinel and the Blackfire Venator into battle with a full Support Group to maximize the chance that Double Damage will be activated. Note that Double Damage is never inflicted upon Spirit Wardens.

Seize this opportunity to boost your army!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Jan 8, 2022, 12:0001/08/22
Jan 9, 2022, 08:5001/09/22

Hello :-)
Thanks for these great new Legendary units :-)
The one I like the most is the defense unit :-)
This new sentry will be a great advantage to defend my castle :-)
With that beautiful armor, sword and powerful wings :-)
Thanks :-)
Greetings and good game :-) 

