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New Legendary Cavalry Units

New Legendary Cavalry Units

New Legendary Cavalry Units
These Formidable Fighters Can Double Supporting Unitsโ€™ Combat Stats!

Lords and Ladies,

I bring good tidings - the Dwarves and the Halflings are ready to step up their efforts in the battle for the future of Stormfall. Each is providing a new Legendary Cavalry Unit: from the Dwarves comes the Swiftsteel Whisperer, while the Barkshire Brethren hail from the land of the Halflings.

You can obtain these outstanding warriors in certain Special Offers. These Units each excel in their own way. While the Swiftsteel Whisperer is a staunch defender, the Barkshire Brethren are best suited for attack.

As with all Legendary Units, these warriors perform better when accompanied by fellow fighters. Only Cavalry Defensive Units can support the Swiftsteel Whisperer, while only Cavalry Offensive Units can support the Barkshire Brethren.

These new Units also possess a Special Abilityโ€”Double Damage. When activated, this Ability doubles the combat statistics of Supporting Units, after taking into account all Bonuses that apply to them.

Send the Swiftsteel Whisperer and the Barkshire Brethren into battle with a full Support Group to maximize the chance that Double Damage will be activated. Note that Double Damage is never inflicted upon Spirit Wardens.

Do not miss this chance to grow the power of your army!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Oct 2, 2021, 12:0010/02/21
Oct 3, 2021, 07:3610/03/21

Hello there :-)
Thank you very much for these new legendary units :-)
They will come to me from ... cinema :-)
Greetings and good game for everyone :-) 


AlinaCommunity Manager
Oct 5, 2021, 13:2410/05/21

Hello there :-)
Thank you very much for these new legendary units :-)
They will come to me from ... cinema :-)
Greetings and good game for everyone :-) 

