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New Upgrade Levels For Hero Equipment Items

New Upgrade Levels For Hero Equipment Items

New Upgrade Levels For Hero Equipment Items
Get Better Unit Bonuses!

Lords and Ladies,

I bring you good news – Equipment Items for your Hero now have five more upgrade Levels.

As I’m sure you know, equipping your Hero with Items provides Bonuses to your Units.

While Weapons, Gloves, and Boots grant an Offensive Bonus, Helmets, Shields, and Armor grant a Defensive Bonus. Rings can grant an Offensive or a Defensive Bonus.

All of these Equipment Items can now be upgraded by five more Levels, to a maximum of Level ten.

Use this knowledge to make your army the most powerful in Darkshine!

Lord Oberon
Heir of Veyon, Scion of the Firstborn, Lord Regent of Stormfall

Jul 19, 2021, 14:0407/19/21
Jul 19, 2021, 16:1207/19/21
Jul 19, 2021, 19:38(edited)

And two hours in, I've seen a player with off gear bonus now at 117%.

Fair play, they must have had a lot of coins stored up (approx 3m needed to upgrade all 5), but it's gonna give "balance" a bit of a kicking in the short term. 

Jul 20, 2021, 05:2607/20/21

Ugh, you do know that changes like this is just making things more unequal and tedious, right? There are plenty of old accounts in bigger alliances with millions of coins stored up that will now be instantly lvl 10 geared and this will have given them very little feeling of accomplishment, while other newer accounts or accounts from smaller alliances will just be playing a catch up game for the next years, again.

Jul 20, 2021, 05:5307/20/21

More work for us and stronger units ! Moon coins will be used 😎

Thanks for that !

Jul 20, 2021, 07:2007/20/21
Jul 20, 2021, 07:25(edited)

Hello :-)
Thank you very much for this new improvement :-)
Now my hero will be much stronger than before :-)
Greetings to all and thanks for giving us so many new things that make the game more fun :-) 


... I'll upload it little by little :-) 

AlinaCommunity Manager
Jul 20, 2021, 10:0407/20/21

Hello :-)
Thank you very much for this new improvement :-)
Now my hero will be much stronger than before :-)
Greetings to all and thanks for giving us so many new things that make the game more fun :-) 


... I'll upload it little by little :-) 

Thanks, glad you've liked it! 😎

AlinaCommunity Manager
Jul 20, 2021, 10:0507/20/21

Ugh, you do know that changes like this is just making things more unequal and tedious, right? There are plenty of old accounts in bigger alliances with millions of coins stored up that will now be instantly lvl 10 geared and this will have given them very little feeling of accomplishment, while other newer accounts or accounts from smaller alliances will just be playing a catch up game for the next years, again.

You're right. But according to our data, our players are more or less in equal conditions. Everyone has got a lot of Moon Coins to use at the moment 🙂

AlinaCommunity Manager
Jul 20, 2021, 10:0707/20/21

And two hours in, I've seen a player with off gear bonus now at 117%.

Fair play, they must have had a lot of coins stored up (approx 3m needed to upgrade all 5), but it's gonna give "balance" a bit of a kicking in the short term. 

We've considered it, but our game designers came to the conclusion that it will cause no imbalance. Most players already have enough Moon Coins to use to compete with each other.